You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

In fairness, a RFCA posted this and it’s likely an ACF cadet. Whether they should’ve shared it or not is a different story though…

The Clocks going forward on earlies! :sleeping:


People who insist on sending email attachments instead of links to the original files on sharepoint.

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Funny, I prefer the attachment.


As do I. For most things.
Links to sharepoint dont always work on mobile devices. Plus a link to a random part of sharepoint into a nest of folders for 1 deadend document seems a bit pointless.

But if there is an ongoing project or major event then sharepoint is defo the way forward. Each email on the topic should just have a link to the projects sharepoint page.

So do i, I much prefer the attachment, in our environment you can then easily make the attachment bespoke to your unit without lots of fuss downloading. - I suppose you can call me a dinosaur for that view, but I would be a happy dinosaur! :blush:

At least with our email as a cloud service we aren’t wasting bandwidth downloading the attachments to our machines unless we choose to do so. Not sure exactly what impact it will have on the mail storage quotas though.

Sssh, don’t mention the quotas, do you want to go back to 40mb?!

Attachment every time links to documents can be “broken” too easily, because someone moves the document, or changes the name, or deletes it. These things have been a problem with sharepoint in the ATC since day one.

Attachment for me too, just make sure your version numbers are upto speed.

Fixed that for you

Lol! :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

GMG? Wife dropped my phone. Now I don’t have a phone; I have many pieces of a phone.


Fairly confident that’s grounds for divorce

GMG…To release my APMQ Level 4 Qual I need to provide evidence of a C Level GCSE in Maths. The certificate had gone AWOL but I have my A Level Cert in Maths and Further Maths…which they wont accept because it doesnt necessarily mean I have a GCSE​:man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

I am now having to prep for a functional skills test


Eurgh. Further Maths A Level. Hated normal maths A Level.

On the one hand, their logic is sound, but on the other you’d surely expect a higher level to supersede the lower one.

Especially as I would think that someone with a D GCSE is unlikely to get on the course - surely?

Certainley in my school you needed a B in Maths GCSE to be even permitted to do the standard A Level Maths at sixth form

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Also, who’s getting a D and thinking “I love maths so much I want to fry my brain with it”?

Kidding, of course - you don’t have to be good at something to enjoy it :wink:


You know what really grinds my gears?

Pig headed ignorance.

I always try to stay apolitical but the rise of Karen’s from the USofA along with their Karen in Chief is spreading it’s way towards our shores and it seems the only purpose is to tread on everyone else’s liberties whilst preaching about freedom.

I may be starting to become more cynical and disillusioned as my 30’s is rapidly approaching but the amount of times I see a comment on the Facebook or other facet of the internet and I just think “oh will you just Foxtrot Oscar!”.


And another thing!

What’s with the rise of really rubbish “chillout” dance music ruining treasured songs?

The better half has started to listen to Capital in the car and not only has someone massacred Toploader’s “Dancing in the Moonlight” but someone has also butchered “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You”!

I mean really.