You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

He too ran for one of the big parties.


As were talking around presendential election. You should all watch the great hack on netflix. It really demonstrates how donald won. It’s crazy scary and you’ll want to delete yourself from the internet

Yawn. Take it elsewhere please

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Ahhhh politics is so confusing

@AlexCorbin How is it racist to dress up as a character from a book derived from stories many hundreds if not thousands of years old? Have we become that thin-skinned and lacking in proportionality? But you hope and pray normal people look at it and think so what, it happened. At the time he was a teacher, so not high profile like he is now.

@GrandMaster_Flush If that refers to me, it’s not the point when it was, it’s the time elapsed between the photo and now. If it was that bad and IMO fancy dress has to be taken as it is, if you are going to have some faux outrage make the observation, at the time not years later for political or personal gain.
I wonder if a person of colour “white skinned” for a party, if anyone would bat an eyelid in race terms, outside of their ethnic grouping, where you could see some adverse comments.

@MattB Couldn’t tell you about 1964 as I was babe in arms, I’d take 1974, part of the best decade to grow up, I can really remember.

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Feel free to dress up like a character, just do it tastefully. Boot polish is not tasteful.

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The “AIR CADET” does not have any information on recruiting either young people as cadets or adults as either staff or civ com.
Although there is for joining the RAF and the RAF reserves.

Is it available external to the organisation?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh the magazine! I get it now.

7am me was not putting those pieces together.

It is if you give out your spare ones…

True, but I’d argue it’s not designed for that, so therefore wouldn’t include things for an audience it doesn’t have.

Whois to say parents etc don’t read it as well.

That’s the thing I’ve most known it used for over the years. Very few Cadets seem to read it. (I did catch a couple of mine going through it looking for “fit” cadets recently).

You know the staff don’t read it either - just after a glimpse of CV.

When you’re at a recruitment or public event, it’s one of the best resources to showcase the RAFAC world outside of 5678 Sqn.

The problem with a general advert would be, the fact it would a corporate contact, which is no use to man or beast at Anytown Squadron. We hand them out (plenty of spare as cadets don’t take them) and put some out into libraries, local schools with labels with our contact details on, which works in terms of youngsters, but never had s sniff from anyone over 16. Put the label on the frontpage and over some internal banal advert. We use labels that are 3*2 to a page (found several boxes in an old cabinet at work), can’t be missed.

@Giminion even a glimpse of CV doesn’t do it for me. Now Fiona Bruce that’s a different thing, but I wouldn’t want her in “RAF blue” a definite passion killer.

@daws1159 [quote=“daws1159, post:1080, topic:207, full:true”](I did catch a couple of mine going through it looking for “fit” cadets recently).[/quote]
That is very funny, did they say if they found any, or was it a waste of their time?

Strangely enough I didn’t think it was appropriate to ask.

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I’ve actually gained quite a lot of recruits via the HQAC website, get 2 or 3 responses from it most weeks.



Has your Squadron got it’s own website ?

Does the Squadron have and own its Google My Business listing ? and is it optimised ?

You then need not rely on HQAC. The team is overstretched as it is to be fair. 3 members of staff to cover over 1,000 Sqn’s. The RAF has over 300 personnel doing the same roles as our 3! We dwarf the numbers in locations and activities it’s impossible for them to do everything.

you have a road sweeper???

we don’t, our street doesn’t get cleaned by the council only the local residents