You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

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Isnt this threadā€¦ a non topic thread anyway?

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Yes, until you all start having a long conversation. Then you need a new thread :slight_smile:

Is peopleā€™s going off topic grinding your gears?


Sky News desperately trying to find a ā€œPolice Brutalityā€ angle to the Extinction Rebellion Protests because 1 idiot tried to obstruct officers carrying a protestor and got himself (lawfully) shoved aside and went down like footballer.


They should go to Paris and see how the CRS and police deal with demonstrators.


For a country that capitulated twice in 25 years, the people donā€™t seem to take things lightly and the police donā€™t seem to go softly.

Battle of France andā€¦

When was the second time?

I was thinking 1814 & 1815 but that was obviously a lot less than 25 years.

Battle of France and the 1st Indochina War?

Youā€™ve heard of Bastille Day, right? That thing that led to the first revolution (of 2!) and the beheading of Louis XVIā€¦

They had a second crack at it in 1848.

Iā€™d say the French have a bit of a history with civil unrest and standing up to oppression.

Militarily, we could start with Verdun, Op Dragoon, or go further back to Napoleon, Hastingsā€¦

The French can hardly be viewed as cowardly when looking at the actions of their forces at Dunkirk, holding the line for us lot and some of their comrades to leave. Furthermore just look at the Free French forces, they even offered support against the Japanese.

They may have capitulated, but they didnā€™t sit down and shut up.

Which Free French? The ones who fought with us, or the ones who fought against us? :joy::joy::joy:

The ones who fought with us! :joy: My apologies, should have been more specific.

Disappointed in myself as I am a history geekā€¦

They were the 1/3rd of France that didnā€™t surrender, iirc.

France wasnā€™t completely France at the time, so to speak.

The French soldiers were generally pretty brave, their political leadership in WWII did leave a lot to be desired.

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Same in 1870-71.

Is it just me that thinks that some of the Freedom of Information requests put into HQAC are a complete waste of money?

Take this one for example:

Someone has requested ā€œcopies of communications relating to the 2019 RAFAC Cyprus Camps.ā€

128 pages of redacted emails - whatā€™s the point? How much money did it cost to have someone trawl emails to find this and then sit redacting them. The military is struggling for money but having to waste Ā£1000ā€™s of fulfiling petty requests that often boil down to nothing more than ā€œI want to know why I wasnā€™t picked to goā€ and other such pointless stuff.

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Nope, amazing what comes out of a well crafted FOI request, what obfuscations and downright lies have been told and found to have been so through FOI. HQAC donā€™t like FOI one little bit.

does anyone who have to process them?