You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

I’ve always harboured a dislike of Schiphol (AMS) - screening at gate, lounge miles away, long taxi to gates - and Frankfurt - just horrible in every way.

The Scandi airports are generally good, help yourself beer taps (CPH and / or Stockholm?) and I did like Berlin Tegel.

I can’t think of a good thing to say about any of the main US airports, other than SFO is probably the least bad, but some of the smaller town and rural places are sweet, you can spot the ANG playing with their jets at a fair few.

Can’t lie, Bishkek airport was quite crumby. All ex Soviet, and the drinking water was a bit brown. That was about 10 years ago though. Vancouver was pretty nice

Flight from Biggin on the Hill to AMS, 30 mins, landed on the “Polderbaan” westerly runway. Time to get to the parking area = 35 mins!! :open_mouth:

Flew out here through AMS and was shocked at how long the taxi was. Must have taken half the time of the flight from HUY just to taxi to the gate.

Winter fuel allowance - the Chancellor is fine to claim hers on her second property.

Oh, she couldn’t balance her official credit card….

“Reeves has also been disciplined for excessive use of her parliamentary credit card. Parliamentary standards body IPSA suspended her card in 2015 after she was unable to show that more than £4,000 of her spending was valid expenditure.”

I didn’t get on well with Singapore. We have a late night 8hr stop-over. Booked the lounge while we were out in the far east. Got an email the day before saying it would be closed for renovvation. We could expect a refund in 12-15 WEEKS. When we arrived at the airport, we realised the same company operated lounges in all three terminals (for those who haven’t been, it’s basically a rectangular building so you can walke around from one terminal to the next in a few mins) so went to the other lounges, showed them the bookings but they weren’t having any of it. No customer service, not offer to try and help nothing unless we paid again, even when we had their head office on the phone telling the receptionist to let us in they still refused and said it wasn’t their problem. So instead of a nice relaxing stop-over with food, drink and showers we were left sat on a bench. The 24hr cinema was good. Last kick in the teeth, no where does it say the security is at the gate, so just before we were due to board we bought a couple of bottles of coke and water for the flight - then had to bin them as we found security was at the gate even though we could prove we bought them in the airport. Plus on the other side of security, the drinks were $1 more expensive than outside.

Next trip I’m going vai Bahrain, with a 20hr daytime stop so hoping to see some of the place.

MPs claiming expenses for their second homes in London is normal… The vast majority have second homes within London which is fine. She’s from Leeds ffs. She can’t exactly commute everyday, same as a lot of MPs. This article is trying to do some kind of ‘gotcha’ but it just doesn’t hit. If you remove these sort of expenses allowances, then you only allow rich people to be MPs, as you and I couldn’t afford it otherwise.


I can’t imagine how anyone could afford a work home in London on £90k without additional support.

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What should be done is that MOs have a block of flats constructed with televant security and amenities which is allocated to each MP for the tenure of their period in office. That would stop all this, if they didn’t want to live there that would be their problem. One removal from office they have 48 hours to pack up and leave. Owned by Parliament.


Sorry, but I have to question the credibility of a source which describes Reeves as “Right-wing”.

Maintained by pinnacle/amey/whoever so they get the same experience as we do!


Read the far left website Skwawkbox, they are screaming their heads off about her and they hate Sir Kier ‘kid starved’ Starmer

We’ve got this to look forward to at the end of the month……

But why does Gabriel Bell, look just like Sisko?



I thought work overreacted when they kept the early turn on duty, seems I was wrong.


Listening to some of the stuff being shouted there is quite horrifying.

Really hoping we don’t get another 50 coppers, or anyone else, hurt tonight.

I’m hearing it’s kicking off in Hartlepool right now.

Christ they could do tens of pounds worth of damage.


It must be really loud to hear it from where you are!

It is still 28C when I’m gong to bed. This is not okay :cold_sweat: