You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Even with my aircon on it’s still 22 degrees here.

Storm overnight, which is a shame as I’m running a protest on Friday and could really use gods water cannon to chill them all out.

Its like when Southampton and Portsmouth once played each other.

The Saints fans left, but the Pompey fans rioted, and made thousands of pounds worth of improvements to their ciry centre…

GMG, the hotel apparently doesn’t have the room we booked. So now four of us have had to cram into a two person room, and they’ll bring one extra single bed. Unfortunately it means I’ll be sleeping on a sun lounger pad thingy. They’ve given us a free dinner for it. I thought computer booking system was meant to get rid of this snafu.

Edit: the complimentary powdered milk has sugar/sweetener pre-mixed into it. I think I may find this sweet tea harder to stomach than the room cock up

GMG: Roast Gammons.

Take the far-right, throw in a little heatwave for a few days and they boil over.

If things don’t calm down soon, we may be in danger of witnessing a repeat of the Battle of Cable Street.

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Initially thought this was a Terry Pratchett reference. Didn’t know it actually happened.

1 Like You hear a lot of horror stories about them that sound like yours. Fake hotels, lost bookings etc

Nah the far right are too disorganised to arrange anything really serious, certainly not anything that will expand beyond the individual events.

First thing I did tonight was check my holiday weeks next year are all squared away.

I’m gonna get some nice trials out of this I reckon.


Disappointed by Cab’s reply on the BGA gliding thread.

He’s certainly seemed to have changed his tune somewhat:

I don’t recall the meeting being recorded and it is unusual for us to do so. I committed to addressing the ACPS challenge and I am doing so. I still lack the assurance capacity to exploit civ means so, no matter how many times you raise this, it is not going to happen in the form you suggest. Grateful for your ongoing support though.

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They did eventually sort it out. Ironically we’ve spent most of the trip in the more rural parts of the country, and this was the last day or so staying in the more touristy/resort parts on the coast. I think I’d rather head back into the desert…

Having to drive to Walsall on a sunday evening for a 9am Monday meeting

Mrs Steve waking me up at 0247 this morning

Her: I can hear a beeping
Me: huuh?
Her: I can hear a beeping
Me: what kind bee +BEEP+…oh ok. its probably the smoke alarm battery can it wait until morning?
her: rolls over in disgust
Her: can you deal with it, i won’t be able to sleep
Me: Fine…(now awake i remember that our smoke alarms are both mains powered, joined by Mrs Steve as we go searching for the source)

15 minutes of trying to locate the beep cornered it into the sitting room and realised it was the Carbon Monoxide detector (we have a wood burner and the two were installed at the same time).

I pull it off the wall - lifetime expires 22 August 2024.

well only a week early, that is good predictions, but why the **** did it have to go off at 0247 in the ruddy morning!?!? GMG


Beware - powered fire alarms also have a lifex- had this at a previous property. Had to replace them. Can’t remember as it was a few yrs ago, but I think that they bleeped too.

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yes i spotted this last night (early this morning) and noticed a 2027 date on it as i ended up taking it off the ceiling to check it wasn’t bleeping

Given the times of day that I’ve previously had to replace batteries for smoke alarms, I think they have a diode that prevents them going off when there’s any kind of light hitting them.

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Anyone know what is worse than seeing a big spider run across your lounge carpet?

… that big ass spider disappearing under a sofa…and you now can’t find it… and I’m now not sleeping tonight…

…and I’m hiding in the corner with a shoe incase it reappears… send aid…

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Don’t worry it won’t reappear - it’s just nesting.

When it’s big enough you hear it’s footsteps

This one visited my daughter’s this morning - her man wasn’t there to assist! Neither was I!!

Years ago, I was away on a C130 trip - a monster arachnid wandered across the lounge floor one evening & settled in the middle. :spider:

Mrs J had to seek help from someone in the quarter across the road!! :laughing:

I heard it before i saw it…