You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Careful talking about this on a cadet forum, you might set off some of the health and safety lot. I tried to do a leadership exercise, with one activity using a lit match. Apparently this is too dangerous, even though a) it’s from the actual blue leadership booklet of tasks, and b) the entire point of the task is to stay away from the lit match.

Sounds like the time my candelabra was confiscated at Nijmegen because the unlit candles were a “fire hazard”…

Forgot about this.

12 years ago.


Took wayyyy too long for the ******** to be voted out!

This threads still going strong.

Many a ground gear I see.


Github and terminal…that is all

GMG. Just seen the news that a bunch of EDL racist nut jobs have started a small riot outside the mosque in Southport.

Bunch of scum who call them selves patriotic attacking a religious centre based on a false accusation that the attacker was Muslim. A horrific incident that is now sadly leading to more open racism.

Clearly a bunch of people with nothing better to do than go and start some nonsense violence.

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I read somewhere that he was actually born in Cardiff…

A similar situation happened at the Suites Hotel in Knowsley last year. It goes to show the negative power of social media. Posts are seen and shared with misinformation and before you know it, the people are out with pick axes and torches. What does this achieve?


It’s a bunch of thugs chanting Tommy Robinsons name that went out looking for violence. Even if the attacker was Muslim, this violence against the Mosque and police would still be uncalled for. They really somehow think that causing criminal damage and GBH is somehow ‘protecting the kids’. It’s rubbish. It’s racists being racist and violent. Boils my P.

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You have actual proof, or are you just bloviating?

Not worried that three children have been murdered several injured and some of them critically.

Nobody here commented on the Leeds rioting last week, that wasn’t the EDL or XRW.

Restarts next week

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The press don’t help either.

Of which bit? Them attacking the mosque, them attacking the police, them being racist nut jobs, or that they’re EDL members?

The first two point proof is pretty simple. See here. The racist nut job bit and EDL member bit? Well the two sort of go hand in hand. BBC news and Sky News both saying suspected EDL on a ‘Keep our kids safe’ protest. The video shows them chanting about Tommy Robinson. They are also attacking a mosque…

Again proof, suspected does not stand up in court, if you believe Sky or the BBC, well?

Looking online I’m seeing the Police statement that he was born in Cardiff along with lots of claims that while born here his parents came from Rwanda.

I’m also seeing lots of claims that an Asian male with a balaclava and a knife was arrested in Southport today hence why they chose to target the Mosque. (Something which on a normal day would be put down as a run of the mill Robber and wouldn’t register on anyones radar gets blown up into Terror Suspect Mk II).

I said it the other day, we are overdue for a Riot, add in the hot weather, some emotion and you have a tinderbox.

Interested that the Police are blaming the EDL, I thought they had broken up and been completely replaced by the FLA and similar football based groups. (Much like UKIP is now Reform)

That was in the Telegraph last night. Obviously they are little ahead of the police, but it was reported the accused was on the Security Services radar.

Pray for rain.

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Just a reminder that anonymous forums aren’t all that anonymous, and anyone posting on here suggesting any support at all for an organisation such as EDL has no place in RAFAC.

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Because this has the capacity to get heated, I’ve set a slowdown to limit how often you can post.

I would also remind people to be respectful, remember our AUP and that given the circumstances political point scoring is not appropriate.


No political point scoring here. Just trying to get across that this sort of hate is sadly cropping up far too often now. Any time something major happens, people are jumping to blame immigrants or certain religions. It needs to stop.

Anyone who wants to even remotely defend those throwing bricks at the mosque and the police whilst setting fire to their vans needs to have a good hard look at themselves.

What has happened with multiple children being killed and seriously injured is sickening. But we can’t blame these things on whole religions or races as seems to keep happening. Even when the attacker isn’t know. It makes me sick.


I will never understand why they feel the need to attack emergency service workers tho. They were called as soon as something was known to be wrong, they run to the troubles as many people would run from it. What does burning the police van do? It gives the cities and surrounding areas a bad name, but it won’t change a thing.

They have the suspect locked up and doing their investigations. And after this incident, they will have to drain more resources to find the ‘people’ who were involved and they could/will end up with prison sentences and records.


As has happened very quickly after the Leeds riots recently.