You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Not seen one of the forms in a while, but does it have an email for the RAF Doctors?

Could you fwd that to them, and allow them to re-educate…?

Not a helpful point of view.

That said, the F6424 does seem to be a “get out” - & bearing in mind the 2 yr validity of the form, the GP is potentially correct to say that fitness can change - notwithstanding any requirement for parents / guardians to notify the sqn.

I always have a discussion with at least one in 3 parents / guardians as to how a GP can assess that a 14 yr old cadet is fit to drive…….:wink:

It’s almost like the form was designed for 16 year olds applying for GS, not for 13 year olds going to AEF.


So the doctor is affecting not just cadets, but anyone who requires a medical certificate for any activity.


Reported a traffic incident to Operation Crackdown (Sussex/Surrey/Thames Valley/Hampshire anti social driving thing) and I got an automatic email with a ref number, and it says “You can check the status of your report by using the ref number provided to you and going back into the system.” (my bold) What system though??? I cannot for the life of me find where that reference number can be used to get an update :joy: :joy:

I swear these systems are designed to make you go mad.

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But that is their right.
They don’t have to sign what is effectively a health waiver.

Yep, another ‘modern world we live in’ thing.

If anything happens to little Johnny in the air …faints or ‘has a funny turn’ etc that causes an incident …the blame searchers will immediately pounce on the Doctor saying “you said this person was fit and well etc etc”

…Tis the modern way!

Except that is not what it is, and not what it asks. It makes this very clear it is not assessing someone’s fitness to fly, they are just asking them to confirm the absence of any medical conditions that would stop them achieving DVLA group 1 medical status, and to discuss with the CFMO anything else pertinent and they make the decision.


Anyway, my email to the surgery worked and they have agreed to complete it :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Same as an MoT certificate, inly valid at the time of testing.

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I thought MoTs were valid for a year (two in Northern Ireland)?

I think the point being made is that they are you’re car might be legal for a year, but the MOT cert only says it was safe on the day of testing, not necessarily safe for the rest of the year. The same as a doctor signing the med form.

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They are but like a medical, they only tell you your vehicle or fitness was of an adequate standard on the day of testing, not on day 2 onwards.

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In 22/23 I underpaid tax due to my benefit in kind value increasing (they don’t get about this until the P11D is issued in June after the end of the tax year)

In Sep 23 I got told I’d underpaid but not to worry as my tax code was adjusted to reclaim the funds. Personally I was quite happy with this as no effort in my part and all managed via PAYE.

This tax code change then put me on a Month 1 code for the remainder of 23/24 - to make sure I didn’t pay too much tax! So it treats every pay period as if it’s the first month of the tax year and and I’ll get the 12 more of this amount.

Roll round to March 24 and this is our company bonus month and I’ve been royally stung… my Gross increased by ~1000 but net just 20 compared to the previous year. They’ve assumed I get that amount 12 times a year so a chunk falls into the 40% tax bracket and another part goes to 45%.

I know this will get worked out by the summer and a nice cheque shall arrive through the post, and having just changed role I don’t particularly have the time or energy to phone them to get it sorted sooner.

This week I get notified of underpaid tax for 22/23, the exact same amount it was in Sep 23, and that I now need to make a payment for this.

So for the sake of £64.80 I’ve been given a new tax code that then screwed me over and they claim to have not even taken it.

So no I have no choice but to find however long it takes to get through on the phone Mon-Fri 8-6 to get it sorted.

Have fun - I tried mid-afternoon this past week, & gave up at 55 mins & counting.

If you have a log-in account facility for HMRC via Government Gateway, you can notify them of changes in circumstances (although not 100% sure if yours fits the bill) - I ended a one yr contractor position at start of Apr & notfied HMRC accordingly. Should be a 3 week action timeframe - but currently, all my taxable income is listed as “BR” = basic rate but with NO personal allowance taken into account! Yes, it will get balanced out, but I don’t like the wait - I’m still due a tax refund from previous tax FY, but despite requesting it on-line, still no payment.

I lost 50% of my bonus to the HMRC and everywhere I look about claiming back over-taxation suggests I have to wait until HMRC work it out for themselves at some point between June and October.

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I’d suggest writing them a letter explaining the situation. It’s often easier in writing anyway and will take less time than waiting on the phone, then explaining it. I did this when I had a complicated change in income and tax and it was sorted with minimal hassle in a few weeks.

Rail replacement bus in a Sunday (when service is already bad) meaning I’m at the station at the time I would usually be getting out of bed.


My rail replacement bus has now broken down on a dual carriageway so I could’ve stayed in bed and caught the next one.

Update 2

I’m now on a replacement replacement bus, probably could’ve had an hours more sleep

flying for the next two weeks have been binned due to pilot stuff (not weather) pretty sad as I was going to fly on the 12th :frowning: the next one is in july (I’m away) is there any chance of a slot before july maybe soon

Heathrow security.
Absolute cluster. Like everyone’s first day at work.