You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

but the boots are your choice. Now what if you canoe club suddenly said

from next week, in order to deliver XYZ you must wear a Solomon pair of shoes, Craghoppers fleece, Petzl helment.

Thats when they should be providing it if they require you to wear it.

My instruction of SAA would not differ if I was to wear PJ bottoms, a pink tutu and a string vest, however I ammandated to wear uniform. So it should be provided, or and ALLOWANCE made to VOLUNTEERS to provide what is required.

Similarily, if I have to pay for acomodation for my ‘off-duty’ hours rather than share a dirty, undown room with people I don’t know, I’ll pay for my own room instead and have anenjoyable night.

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It shouldn’t - that is what CivComs and squadron charity funds are for.

Unfortunately that assumes a civ com is active and viable, plus now the Wing control monies held by the civ com, there maybe difficulty in obtaining that money., in particular if the account doesn’t have enough money within it to pay into the wing civ com fund.


The RAFAC may be viewed as a hobby, but ultimately it’s volunteering and (particularly given the recent CACE changes) we should be absolutely clear as CFAVs that being out of pocket is totally unacceptable.

Perhaps I can think of a few exceptions, but they are that most definitely exceptions.


It is not a hobby, if I wanted to do this stuff as a hobby I’d join a gliding club. Or maybe go airsofting :grinning:

Many (most) of us do this because we want to help young people develop, and because we benefited from others who felt that way when we were cadets.

That’s also the difference between ‘serving’ as a cadet instructor and being a Reservist.


This is where I’m at with it. The attitude required is nuanced.

Many have spent a long time describing what we do as their “hobby” in an effort to encourage not overcommitting and/or continuing through non-enjoyment due to a sense of obligation or responsibility. Which is fine and healthy, but…

It may take the place of a hobby, but what we do is work - we are a labour force. A hobby in the traditional sense is for personal enjoyment or development, which we may get but that’s immaterial to our overlords. Some hobbies also have altruistic aspects like ours. But our primary purpose is labour whereas someone else’s altruistic hobby is knitting hats for preemies, where they would have knitted anyway for themselves and have turned that to also benefit others. (Mostly) We’re not redirecting something we would have done anyway using the same amount of time and effort it would have taken for personal purposes.

A voluntary labour force shouldn’t be paying for the privilege. I’ll happily pay a UK camp fee that covers the cost of my attendance on the basis that I am getting those costs back either through an expense claim or other form of remuneration (in our case, VA). I’ve attended many events where I haven’t or couldn’t claim the fuel, sometimes with and sometimes without attracting VA, so there are also costs eaten in the same way as traditional hobbies and other voluntary roles in that sense.


GMG: Just spent ages on a lovely excel spreadsheet for doing some conversions at work. Pretty simple, but was going to be very useful. But excel crashed when I tried to do some formatting. I had it saved, but now that worksheet crashes Excel every time it’s opened :sob:

So MP’s decided to think exclusively with their genitalia and somehow it’s the Police’s fault as they weren’t warned. How difficult is it for anyone particularly a public official to not respond to unsolicited advances from someone’s you’ve never met?

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I think all MPs should have been warned that there was a honeytrapping attempt happening as soon as it was obvious several had been contacted. It could have stopped further issues.

But who’s responsibility is it to warn them? Arguably, GCHQ should also have been aware that something that had the potential to impact national security was happening - so should they have warned parliamentary workers?

But yes, the never ceasing desire of MPs to get their desires filled, leading to such “errors of judgement”, is troublesome. Even if the scam is a little more complicated than your comment suggests.

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I believe they regularly have briefings on security & personal security including things such as this.

It’s why a number of MPs are astonished on how stupid people have been with it.

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Years ago, when one of my MP friends was on the benches, & pagers were the normal Parliamentary method of comms - short messages could be typed in by the central sending units, such as “Voting Division, get your bum there now…”

He said that if anyone hacked the system & typed in - "All has been discovered, run away while you still can !" - & was sent to all MPs, there would have been a huge rush clearing the chamber! :laughing:

People who state the obvious on a telephone call, or repeat back to me facts I just told them as if I wasn’t aware.

Just answer the damn question stop skirting round what I already know and/or told you already as an excuse to avoid giving me an answer :angry:

GMG: Facebook Marketplace.

So many people who either disappear completely, or become very pushy despite not being able to make your own time expectations.

Look, if you want the damn thing just say so, we’ll arrange a time and we’ll exchange. Job done. If you don’t want the thing, don’t message asking for a knockdown price when it’s already a damn bargain!

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GMG. Laid a load of drainage to increase our rainwater harvesting system today. Dug two 6m long trenches, lined, checked levels, installed pipework, checked levels, joined everything together, checked levels, protected the pipework, installed inspection chamber and tested everything. Then backfilled and returfed. All single handed in 10 hours.

And it looks like I’ve not done anything!!!


GMG: When did transatlantic flight operators get rid of included hold luggage?

Greedy sods.

Quite a while - too many biz / tourist people taking just carry-on bags, so need a way to bolster their revenue stream.

A good forecast for a Paddlesport Leader assessment turning into a glass-flat Windermere… :rage:

Ahhh… like that time we booked on a WW assessment during a drought. Sigh.

GMG:- Government agencies that insist you complete their forms and submit through their portals, when the max size of the file allowable is always smaller than the form once completed grrr

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A local doctor is refusing to complete an F6424 to certify someone is fit to fly, because:

“Thank you for sending in this form. Dr XXX has reviewed the form, but she has declined to complete it. We don’t usually complete forms such as this which ask for fitness for activities as the doctors cannot say if someone will be fit at the time of the activity to take part. With regards to this form, the doctors can also not say whether a person is fit to drive or not. This is not a decision that is for the doctors to make.
We can provide a medical summary if it would be of any use.”

What an absolute cretin.