You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Give them feedback - sometimes it makes a difference:

But a GP can sign off a medical for an Light Aircraft Pilot Licence - is that not exactly the same as our form?

Following on from this. Time zone mess ups.

19hrs of travelling yesterday, awake for 26 then two hours of sleep and awake again because it’s 0930 in the UK and that’s already 3 hours past my usual wake up :upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

London mayoral elections. Basically a choice between syphilis or gonorrhea as only Khan or Hall have a chance - not sure the parties could have picked worse candidates. Was going to spoil my paper but eventually decided to go for Count Binface


He’d be my choice if I had a vote there.


It does make me laugh that Lawrence Fox has given up on trying to be Mayor this time and just trying to get an assembly seat. Looking forward to him losing his deposit again.

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Given up? I thought he tried but just messed up the paperwork? Didn’t get enough names in one of the Boroughs?

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GMG. Two main political candidates for our PCC. And a handful of Independents. All the manifestos are broadly the same - with the exception of the Independents who’ve got one additional line - get Politics out of Policing.

Weirdly, the Tory candidate has a really similar list of priorities to his last campaign - and that of his predecessor. Given that between them they’ve been in post for 12 years, it makes you wonder how much difference they’ve made…


Ah. I missed that.

PCCs have got to be the most useless addition to our political system of the last 25 years


It depend on the the PCC & whether they also have oversight of fire.

If you have a decent one who understands their role to be an enabler & oversight then it’s fine & a lot less political than the old police authorities (which are effectively now police & crime panels)

If you have a walty Mitty ex-cop or someone on an Ego trip then it’s a world of pain.

Yeah, he messed it right up and was threatening to JR it. But it’s not a decision, he missed the deadline.



Politics in general. The incumbent becomes unpopular, points to an unpopular thing that they’ve had control over and says “I’ll change that” whilst everyone else questions why they haven’t changed that at any point over the past 14 years and, in many cases, have made that particular thing much worse over the time they’ve had in power.

Didnt realise it took 19hrs to get to skegness

Skeggy, the RAF weekend out. I’m surprised he didn’t phone a friend to pick him up at Coningsby or even Donna Nook for a lift in a cab as an underslung load exercise?

You’ve clearly never tried to drive the roads through Lincolnshire…

19 hours from Lincoln is quick.

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I was fortunate enough to live next to a glacier for a while whilst living in New Zealand. They’re utterly incredible parts of nature; breathtakingly beautiful in mountainous areas, regularly changing and providing a bit of a fun playground too.

So to see a country lose all of its remaining glaciers is a sad day.

Permanent staff making arbitrary decisions that require a major rework of paperwork to fit their personal opinion (or this week’s opinion anyway). Further grinding when I know they have been happy for other Sqns to adopt the simpler approach that we started with :frowning:

You can tell an election is approaching when populist rubbish like this comes up.

  1. There is, on average, less than 1 person per year killed by someone cycling.
  2. In “death by dangerous driving” cases, the offence is often downgraded to “death by careless driving”
  3. Drivers charged with either of the above usually don’t end up in prison anyhow
  4. Cyclists disproportionately end up incarcerated versus drivers - Charlie Alliston being a prime example of such a miscarriage of justice.
  5. We have a fat society, and such a new law would only serve to discourage people commuting via physical activity that could help keep them fit.
  6. There are already laws in place to deal with particularly careless people on bikes, that do lead to successful prosecutions when appropriate.

As a side note, I think I’d see a conviction for “Wanton and furious peddling” (as far as I understand, the only offence available for someone on a bike travelling too fast as speed limits only legally apply to motor vehicles) as a badge of honour.

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Al Liston was riding a bike which was illegal to be on UK roads.

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