You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

The built-in Ad Blocker on Firefox still blocks YouTube ads…

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I would also reccomend Ublock Origin. That plus Firefox makes for a very good Ad free experince across the web.

Firefox compatibility has apparently improved immensely in the last few years. Was a bit ropey after Chromium (initially via Chrome) took over the world. I’m tempted to try it out again.

I don’t use Ublock, but another. There was about a week and a half that it didn’t work on YT (in the first two days I had AI-voiced Elon Musk twice and an AI-voiced Piers Morgan trying sell me nonsense. And Google wonders why people block ads…

Apparently latex free gloves from Bio Med is a common ad, too…

I’ve seen no slow down, the ad skipping isn’t seamless any more, but I can live with a couple seconds of black and silence every so often.

It’s UBlock Origin on Firefox mobile that’s working for me - you can’t even tell there are meant to be any ads.

I also wanted to get No Script running too, but enabling that breaks this website…

More makes me sad than GMG really but I know there are a few (model) rail nuts on here:


On a bit of a model railway freeze right now, but was going to purchase some things from them.

I think they are taking orders for a few more weeks.

Contrast to when I was last in Berlin and there were model train shops everywhere, and mostly in rude health too it seemed.


GMG: this noisy so-and-so taunting me whilst I was out for my walk, after just being advised last night that AEF is now not available for us for the foreseeable due to “operational changes”

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Parcel apparently delivered today. Except it’s not here, and the photo they have to ‘prove’ it’s been delivered is not my door…


I mis-read that as “Evil”.

Same difference. Scourge of the delivery world.


Are they just Yodel rebranded?

I believe they used to be known as Hermes.

Yes, it was Hermes. They had such s bad reputation, so changed name :rofl:

My local Evri driver is amazing, I think I got lucky :joy:

2 years later, this same thing is Grinding me Gears!! This time, we’re going out to tender for a new supplier for a different piece of software. Somehow muggins has been nominated for the review panel. Somebody (not actually sure who!) has written the specification already and they are unwilling to amend it or find compromise.

The downside is that it has been written so tight - and based entirely around our current “solution” (which, BTW, is rubbish!), that I can’t see ANY suppliers who are able to deliver what we want - without bringing in third party providers and bolt on modules within the contract. HOWEVER, the tender specifically prohibits this due to us getting burned a few years ago when a third party provider collapsed and we ended up in limbo for 6 months with a barely functioning system!

The biggest issue is that we’re a relatively small LA. We don’t have big purchasing power. A supplier won’t mend to our whim as the contract is small change and it’d be too much grief and aggro to make the changes requested. But it’s not what procurement want to hear - so my lone voice and challenge is being roundly ignored!!!

So we’re merrily jumping through hoops on this stupid procurement exercise, burning through time and money for zero result (except, that lone, smug voice at the back saying “told you so”!).

GMG: Trying to book a doctor’s appointment.

I was going to cancel my private health insurance, but my NHS doctor is doing a damn good job of selling the private insurance to me. It’s not even possible to get ahold of them to try to book a slot, let alone actually get one.

They were a good surgery before Covid, but they’ve turned to absolute rubbish since.

Positive Covid test for me & Mrs Steve this morning.
Felt groggy and rough all day. Work’s policy is stay home for a week so now I’ve to decide if I’ve got sufficient interest to WFH…

If you’re sick you’re sick, what does the company sickness policy state. WFH allows companies to have ill people working, what if you make an error whilst ill, will the company support you?

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GMG: Some of my colleagues really love the sound of their own voice. There’s 4 of us on a call that’s lasted 40 mins so far; 2 people have spoken for a combined 37 of those minutes…

We’re just talking rather than making any progress and my red side (Discovery Colour Insights) is raging.

GMG. New work phone software on our Stupidsung. It (allegedly) synch’s our inboxes more effectively. Yay.

“Effectively” is an interesting term - given that my phone is showing 127 unread emails, 7 urgent diary entries and 14 missed teams calls. My laptop? None of the above.