You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

The phone is better right, so you laptop must be well behind!

I’m not convinced. Some of the “unread” emails are from Thursday last week. I’m not seeing any emails from the weekend, yesterday or today…

I’m hungry.

I also just walked into the kitchen and realised that I never ate what I cooked for lunch.

I think there’s a definite correlation/causation link here.



Come to flat sit this morning for a plumber visit at Little Miss Crazy’s as they had a complaint of leaking bathroom to the flat below from the bath.

Washing basket and storage drawers blocking the bath panel which will block access.

Why oh why do the current generation seem to lack basic sense?

(I won’t use the phrase common sense anymore beacuse if sense was common the majority would appear to have some :rofl:)

Did you move it for them as that might’ve been the plan.

Nope, made her other half do it before he left for work.

They couldn’t afford my rates for manual labour :rofl:

Couple of points:

1: This is a pretty minor thing to be grinding about
2: Little Miss Crazy was, presumably, raised and taught by you?

Agree but it’s just another in a long list of things I’m noticing amongst the younger generations. Seems to be somewhat of a trend.

She was never into cadets so as I was away mostly looking after other people’s kids this ones definitely on Mrs Crazy :rofl:

Having to live in smaller properties because of significantly increased prices in real terms compared to their parents generation. Smaller properties meaning storage can’t always be put in places that doesn’t cause an inconvenience? If we want to access the meter/fuse box cupboard we have to move the sofa, if we want to access the stopcock we have to move the laundry hamper. It’s just life and you deal with it. Takes 30 seconds if that.

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A massive part of it is a lack of exposure to various tasks and scenarios while growing up. It’s not the fault of the person that doesn’t know something for not knowing it.

Society as a whole has failed to impart the necessary life skills.


We buy any car bunch of clowns

Online quote £4170 turn up expect a bitnof haggling as they’ll find something…barely walked around the car and said “yeah mate it looks good, I’d be happy to offer £3400”

Couldn’t explain why it dropped £600 just by turning up having spotted nothing wrong or reason to deduct anything

Hope you told them to jog on.

They deserve the same degree of contempt as employers who won’t declare the offered wage of a job upfront.


I’ve had the same with both my and Mrs BFs old cars. Quoted a good price. Showed up and knocked 30% off the online valuation.

In one case it was because I needed a new tyre… Fair. So knock £80 off. Don’t knock £800 off. Mrs BF was because “it needs a good clean” - a £1500 clean apparently!


It did give us a benchmark for selling privately on FaceBay though… Well… A benchmark plus 15% to account for haggling!


I absolutely did!


If I remember rightly, wasn’t he also the only regular cast member who didn’t serve in WW2? (Because he as too young, not for any other reason).


The chap who played Walker would’ve been too young as well.

Bill Pertwee was an Air Cadet but refused for regular service due to a medical issue.

On the flip side the guy who played Pvt Godfrey was in both wars, fought at the Somme in the ranks and was an officer in the BEF looking after journalists.


Can’t believe these FOIers are for real…


I am not going to provide Mr Daly esq with my ID. This is a sensitive document and given the unlawful approach taken to this reply, I cannot trust Mr Daly esq with my documents. I would instead like to complain that Mr Daly esq has broken the Civil Service Code as the response does not meet the integrity value as it does not follow the ICO guidance or the law.

Those investigating Mr Daly esq should remember that a request can be made by someone who lives in the UK or overseas and I do not need online social media profiles or similar. I also don’t think my name is a pun. They should also revisit the ICO guidance Mr Daly esq refers to (so knows about but selectively ignores) and this decision notice:…

Please read paragraph 19 onwards of the decision notice ~ many of the points raised are similar. On what grounding has Mr Daly esq decided he is “satisfied” on legitimate grounds not to comply. The ICO is clear that the default approach to forename and surname absent a pun is to accept at face value. The superficial explaination and oppressive approach trying to block an ICO complaint comes when I have asked about points on FOI times (which the MOD repeatedly misses) and the level of diligence on searches (which I have questioned now on two replies). It seems like an all too useful strategy to try and stop sharing issues now being discussed in online forums about the state of the Air Cadets.

If this is not addressed, I will ask the ICO to take the same approach as they did in the decision notice and investigate the MOD and Mr Daly.

Yours sincerely,

Bryan Basiljet

Link - ACLC 2024 Accomodation - a Freedom of Information request to Air Cadet Organisation - WhatDoTheyKnow

His letter, though somewhat interesting in tone, does have a point though.

The official comms are that there were challenges in securing accommodation but none of the released emails suggest this. So have HQ been deliberately telling porkies to CFAVs?

I suspect that they’ve checked CFAV records, can’t find his name, so have concluded that it’s a pen name and now want to find out exactly who’s asking the questions by, legitimately, requesting him to prove his entitlement to ask the question.


Does being a “tax payer” not count?

I thought thats why we have FOI access?
Its our money and thus we have a right to know wgat the Govt are doing with it…