You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

I’m not sure the type of environment you work, but is this a “vote with your feet” situation?


yes very much so - people have already said that they’ll not be buying from there daily at the current prices. we do recognise that it is subsidised by our Employer and cheaper than a sandwich in town but if prices have almost doubled the appeal to use the canteen has deminished

many have said they’ll bring their own sandwiches in so people are ready to do it…we’l have to see what happens post soft launch

further to this, the menu for the week has been released

while we used to get

Main 1
Main 2
Vegetarian option
snack option

we have lost the Main 2 option - so prices have gone up and choice gone down.

also can anyone explain this measure for me?

how do I measure a wrap by a teaspoon? or a ciabatta?

Slowly and carefully :man_shrugging:


Guessing that’s the filling but surely all fillings do not have the same calorific value🤷

But who uses a teaspoon anyway, is the new contractor Sodexo :rofl:

Well Amazon just sent me a mail that they want an extra £2.99 for add free viewing so prime has been promptly cancelled.

Not really that much that I watch on there and they have now lost the football rights, which to be fair was worse quality than an early 2010 web stream anyway.

I think they only announced this a couple of weeks ago, but I’ve already made plans.

My Prime is currently paid for by my medical insurance, so I’ve now set up a reminder to cancel the renewal when it expires.

I don’t watch much on Prime anyhow and don’t order enough to warrant keeping Prime just for next day delivery. I’m also a firm believer that if I’m paying for your services I shouldn’t be forced to accept ads too - it’s one or the other.


I wonder if paying a year up front protects from this extra fee until I can cancel

It does not.


Do people really care about ads that much - i just zone out - just like I do with Spotify… drives Ms. VictorZulu nuts that I have ads. :rofl:

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Ah yes, give Mr Zulu another drip. He’ll mainline ads until he pops.

good opportunity to open the fridge, look inside then close the door again

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If you want me to watch ads it should be free. The problem is that US watchers are prepared to accept it with their TV habits and it’s spreading.

Amazon will survive this for me as I don’t watch much on there anyway, I just use the free shipping. The others however will find themselves in cancelled town.


The issue isn’t ads; it’s paying for a subscription and still getting ads.

If it’s free and there’s ads, that fair enough.

If it’s paid for, there should be no ads.

Side note; it’s why I’ve never had Sky or cable TV, and I don’t exactly feel like I’m missing out.


GMG: “Your call is important to us, so please hold.”

If my call was important to you, you’d have sufficient staff on to answer the phone without delay, rather than have me waiting 15+ minutes so far.


we are experiencing “higher than average calls at this time” - as a default message is not how “averages” work


When I’m paying for a supposed ‘premium’ service yes. By all means have static ads displayed to get some revenue but don’t interrupt my viewing with it, at least Spotify is between songs. I pretty much only use YouTube now to help with practical tasks, the ads annoy the hell out of me.

TV has gotten so much worse too, used to be less than 2 mins of ads and now its 6-7 mins sometimes.

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I mean, don’t get me started on cinemas…