You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Just make comments about them having to avoid the damp patches, ignore the stains on the sheets and make it clear that under no circumstances are they to look in the bedside table drawer.

And donā€™t forget to mention that one time you completely forgot to put a towel down first, whilst providing no further context.

GMG: Iā€™ve been for runs for 2 of the past 3 days, including today. Both runs have involved country lanes without footpaths due to where I live.

On both runs, at least one driver on each has made eye-contact with me then driven at me. Now, I always go out on runs where I know Iā€™ll have to use the road wearing fluro gear and, as per the Highway Code, run on the right-hand side of the road for better visibility.

Thatā€™s enough to grind my gears on its own, but not the thing thatā€™s really wound me up.

I posted, quite politely, about my experiences on the local traffic group earlier today and it turned into a proper excrement-storm. ā€œRoads are for cars!ā€ seemingly being the popular comment.

I responded to a few of these comments a little sarcastically, because I donā€™t have the time nor crayons to explain the law properly to people of such low intellect. Now Iā€™m apparently the bad guy because saying something semi-offensive is, according to local drivers, much worse than nearly being killed.

How heavy is an RPG and whatā€™s the best way to carry one whilst runningā€¦?

(An after thought; if roads were built for cars then why did the Romans have so many of themā€¦?)


You want to get an L1A1 or in US parlance an M72. The movie Falling Down refers.

Comes with a shoulder strap.

The older i get, the more and more I relate to that movieā€¦

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Falling Down and Office Space just seem to capture the very essence of working life so well.




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Say no more.


There are 3 options for streaming services, IMHO:

  1. Charge a fee OR
  2. Show ads OR
  3. Donā€™t get my subscription

As I donā€™t order enough from Amazon to warrant paying the subscription just for next-day delivery, theyā€™ve now chosen option 3. Disney+ and Netflix also chose option 3 recently, and now they no longer receive a penny from me either.

And the companies wonder why so many people are sailing the high seas once againā€¦

Prime is the last one I pay for, but itā€™s very much for the delivery. The music/video is a bonus as far as I am concerned. All the others I stopped as the prices just got too high, and there were too many to pay for.

Iā€™m not going to say I download things without paying, but lets just say I still get to watch what I wantā€¦ What I really miss is Netflixā€™s algorithm for suggesting new things that I wouldnā€™t have otherwise considered watching!

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02:30 and with the dog at the vets, can i sleep now please

Hopefully nothing too serious?

Chundering, bloods are fine though, 45 mins in the vets and a nice cost of Ā£600. With a follow up in 6 hours time at his normal vet

Xmas 2024 is cancelled

Well, fingers crossed the follow up is all good!

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So it turns out hes fineā€¦just an idiot


Glad heā€™s ok

Expensive things though dogs (albeit not as bad as kids)

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Kwik Fit :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Mrs Crazys car was having the tyre warning light came on early December and after inflating the tyres to the correct pressure itā€™s changed to every couple of days. Being a disability car it had to go to kwik fit so she went in and arranged to take it back yesterday and they replaced the front tyres, fair enough after 25k miles and Iā€™d say they were down to about 2.5mm anyway. Commented the steering felt really light with her new tyres so whilst I had the pump out checking my car I couldnā€™t resist going round hers. They had left both tyres pumped to 40 psi when recommended for the car is 33 no wonder the steering felt odd :person_facepalming:

All tyres back to 33 and hopefully a little safer in the upcoming bad weather if she needs to pop out.

Remember if you have the old style of TPMS (old works off the ABS sensor, new ones give you an exact read out) then you need to manually ā€˜setā€™ the tyres once they are pumped up or changed. Otherwise the alert will keep going off.

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:+1: Yeah this automatically goes off if tyres are inflated to last stored setting and can also be manually reset if making changes to last stored.

Pressure was falling from 33 to 20 within a few days on one wheel

New catering company at work.

to be fair to them they are on a ā€œsoft launchā€ this week but day 1 and I am not impressed.

All the sandwhiches are now the same priceā€¦egg mayo or corination chicken all one set price - our previous caterers prices varied in repsect to the different price of the filling.

and only sandwhiches, no baguette option. i prefer baguette and was happy to pay the extra for the same filling in a baguette versus sandwhich.

The sandwhiches are prepared off site on mass, not as it used to be, prepared on site - weā€™ve gone from a handmade, homemade feel to a ā€œtriangle sandwhichā€ no different to what I could get in town at Boots or Tesco

price has gone up
quality and choice have gone down

there wasnā€™t anything wrong with the previous company we had, but our SLT obviously felt differently.
