You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

A director has dared to put a 9am meeting in my calendar. Who the hell does she think she is!?

The first 30 minutes of work each day is already dedicated to existential dread!

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One of our Service Directors requested a Directorate Zoom call at 4pm on a Friday. He was surprised/angry by the number of people who declined his kind invitation!!!

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I block my calender out from 3pm on a Friday



(PDT = “personal development time”)


I used to block whole Fridays with RAFAC and use it for admin, mandatory training, prepping for weeknds and personal development including the odd impromptu local paddle during the summer months, covered anything critical obvs.

Once I missed the private flag and when asked what it was by the boss I told her it was for for “Research And Functional Consulting Analysis”

I even impressed myself with my quick thinking on that occasion :rofl:



Block out friday afternoons for doing general admin and doing training updates.

Plus, i use that for my time to do some training for my work related qualification.

Otherwise, id have people booking meetings for friday afternoons…

Plus, my boss is on extended days, so has their Friday contracted off…


Where I work, no one books meetings on Friday afternoons. People ask if 1100 is too late.


This is the way. I work longer days Mon-Thu and then I finish early on Friday!

Albeit we’re busy enough that I just seem to be doing longer days everyday, including Saturday. Thankfully overtime pay exists!

I’m contracted 0730-1630 Mon-Thu and 0730-1330 Friday! Anything above that is OT.

I used to work ata company that finished at 1200 on a Friday - i miss those days

6 months ago, my current employer put it in wording “Friday afternoon meetings should be avoided” which is great, except we support the USA side of the business and would shut down teams calls to them to just 4 days a week.

in fairness though it does work out by and large

Some years ago I was over on the West Coast of the US a fair bit. With the bosses in London Friday afternoons were wonderfully relaxed. We actually got work done too.

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GMG, a new communications method has appeared:

So we have what, IBNs, SharePoint announcements, Logs Updates, Emails, DINs and we also need a separate MSBN on top of those?

Why don’t we move over to the DIN system for IBNs, where they have different categories. But then only use IBNs, and stop making up other types of briefing notes. Then, keep them all in one place where they are easy to view.


Now this sounds like a question to be raised ahead of the call on the 7th.


We need a simple communications strategy… that comes from HQ.


The freaking Elf is back!

I curse the day my parents foisted that thing on us :joy:

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Ah yes.
But this sort of empire building is brought to us by those who for example only do 1 activity in the Corps.

In fact for this sort of person the Corps is merely a vehicle through which to exercise their real hobby.

They dont think of the peoppe who are on Sqns and have to keep abreast of everything. They merely write and create this derge to be aa easy for them. As they dont need other IBNs or to know about flying or AT.


I suppose it is Christmas. Miracles could happen.


I think I might start an AT Briefing Note.

Monthly update would be roughly the same:

  1. Go outside
  2. Do cool stuff
  3. Eat cake
  4. Get home safe

Consider yourselves briefed.


Shhhh!!! Somebody will notice we’re having fun and try and pause it!

We need to keep AT as the best kept secret! :wink:


Can you tell this to the person who sent a Teams meeting invite for 5pm on a Friday…

Surely that’s worthy of contacting ACAS…


GMG: People not driving to the conditions.

I live on a bend on an untreated road. It’s a mile-long dead end, with just a farm past my house.

I’ve just watched one of the farm workers come round the bend at his usual speed in his pick-up. Seeing how badly he handled the curve and just how close he came to stacking it, I was expecting to have to run outside pretty rapidly. Proper tank-slapper.