You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

You know you don’t need a Christmas tree to do that?

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You disgust me

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It’s November

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See above.

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Same, but Rivendell to build first.


We have one in Bristol, much quieter than London

It’s because Advent is late this year starting in December rather than November so everyone’s needing to go a week early.

Normally last weekend in November is the Christmas kick off date.

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I just despise xmas


I enjoy Christmas… but at christmas.

Its over-commercialised now…


I didn’t use to like Christmas but have come to enjoy it as I get older.

What I like about Christmas is at its essence it give you

  • an opportunity to stop & take stock
  • an expectation that you meet up with & contact people that you very much like to but may not have had the opportunity to.

Humans are great procrastinators & what is intended by “I’ll ring them next week” becomes next month, next year, four years down the li e until you don’t actually meet up until it’s a funeral for a mutual acquaintance.

I despise the commercialism & the enforced need to be jolly (a word which is only really used round Christmas). I refuse to have any santas in our Christmas decorations & always have a nativity scene as a token to its origins.

I sympathise with those who dislike this time of year but rather than spend the next 5-6 weeks suffering, redefine it your own terms, meet up with with that old mate you’ve been meaning to & at least make this time of year more bearable.


Redirect that c/o HQAC RAF Cranwell, I’m sure their supplies are low.

Only things that have tempted me in the last few years was a JCB and a SAR chopper I saw recently.

I held strong though.

If the People’s Postcode Lottery wants to come through with good news then I that would refresh my interest.

I keep considering the McLaren F1 car.

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Got that for my 30th, it’s a great build, along with R2D2 very different sets of Lego.


I’m part of a Facebook group for people who are running the London Marathon next year. Every other post at the moment is “I’m really struggling for time to fit the training in!”

It’s November. The race is in April. For most people training hasn’t even started yet.

If you’re struggling now you may as well withdraw, because you’re not going to cope with the 20+ mile long runs expected of you in February and March!

But of course if I say that in the group then I’m the bad guy.


Its really tough, but with dedication and practice its possible…

…Completed my first London Marathon last year after numerous failures!

…Yep, finally managed to watch the whole thing from start to finish…took some doing and a lot of Mars Bars to not fall asleep - that BBC coverage is quite sleep inducing… :wink:


You were watching a marathon and didn’t feel like having a Snickers…?


…Less effort to eat a Mars Bar …no point in overdoing it :wink:

Walking girl child to school this morning and she asks me ‘Daddy, why do you hate Christmas?’

I don’t child! I just don’t want to put up decorations in bloody November!