You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Is this absolute, or after accounting for inflation?

If everyone else you speak with on here appears to be far left to you, that says a lot about where your own personal Overton Window sits.


How much of that is the flaws in the system built in to safeguard against corruption?

Just look at how much RFCA spends to get any works done.

I’ve said before if they gave Squadron Commanders a budget to get any works they needed done with local suppliers they would get far more for their money to a higher standard, even if the OC was on the fiddle and getting a brown envelope out of it, it couldn’t be any worse than the approved suppliers. Multiply that by all government spending.

Contacting Sky…

That is all.


I thought the whole point of the system was to encourage that corruption? More and more corporate layers added between customer and end service provider, each taking a cut for their shareholders?


They phone me once a week begging me to come back still.

In absolute terms. Ask any taxpayer if you need confirmation.

absolute, maybe? I think it’s actually lower now than it was peak pandemic.

In real terms no, again, we peaked in the pandemic.

​​Graphic: 70 years of UK public spending​ | ICAEW

The individual tax burden is higher now, but that’s not the same thing exactly as public spending.

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Which is to be expected, it’s the only time in history we’ve ever paid most of the country to not go to work.


That’ll do it…

Heath took the UK into the EEC as it was as a trade organisation knowing it would become a European superstate given time. Wilson in 75 offered and give a referendum.

At which stage we would have to give up the £sterling for the Eurorouble and control from the ECB and control of monetary policy, No rebates or opt out from EU directives. Joining a 'European’army, or as it will become a security force for internal repression, very Stasi like.

The greatest use of privatisation in the NHS was under Blair and Brown by the hyper-expansion of PFI from an ultralow base under the Major government. Rail is being destroyed by militant unions who will not come into the 21st century. Water, there is no national grid system, but I deal with United Utilities who are presently renewing the urban water system where I live.

Not enough housing, many places that is down to uncontrolled immigration r people moving into the inner cities for employment or university therefore reducing availability. , finite resource infinite demand. As to house building how many local councillors and officers are in the builders pockets?

Local councils, well mine is Liverpool and so corrupt it makes Al Capone look honest, no wonder the the government they sent in commissioners, an act that Starmer fully agreed. We await the outcome of the CPS determination following the Operation Aloft investigation.

My OH works for a council, and she can’t believe how poorly they are managed and run, she arrived from the private sector to work for them, same as the NHS. I worked for it for 38 years and the best time was under Margaret Thatcher for funding and staffing, started down hill under Major and hit the pits under Blair.

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Going to cost for a new one.

Racists also vote for the left and if you don’t believe that look around you.

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I never said that they didn’t?

You ok Hun?

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And why, because the public sector aim to protect themselves whenever possible and indulge in silo thinking and empire building. Where there are serious deficiencies nobody is ever dismissed or disciplined, but lessons will be learned. We are spending vast amounts of taxpayers money as no government has its own money as that comes from us as taxpayers or by state borrowing, which has to be repaid.

The only one from the public sector in all my years who have ever ended up in jail is the butcher Patterson following the Birmingham breast surgery scandal. We await what will happen with the recent Letby case and the investigation into the managers at Chester. There is a case going on about a death in care where a ward manager is being prosecuted under the HSaW 1974 S3, the only case I can think of in 40+ years. All the others have walked away scott free from negligence and deaths, starting as far back as Gosport in 1974.

Remember a vibrant private sector provides the tax income for government, not the other way around, just as the private sector provides the funding for the RAFAC to exist.

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Big oof.

Bloody hell! Not what it looked like from the other picture! Can you plug motorbike tyres the same as car tyres? :thinking:

Yeah you can, what the guy is attempting now.

Know exactly what it was. Those cables that measure traffic flow. Not secured properly, but obviously no way I can prove it.


Having gone from rubber to rim at 60mph in my younger days that brought back the ‘sixpence/half a crown’ reflex very strongly.
Maybe a good time to buy a Lottery ticket!

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Already brought my bike smash lottery ticket :upside_down_face:

But yeah, if that was thrown up into my helmet, 100% a drive by lobotomy.