You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Had the same experience - in the middle of nowhere on the Pan-American Highway through Nicaragua!

I thought the rear wheel was trying to catch-up with my front one.

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Most cowboy mech Iā€™ve ever met, but heā€™s repaired it.

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Being on a bike especially would a new tyre be a safer option? I know you like speed, but wouldnā€™t a car be better?

Quite a common industry standard. My last tyre had a similar repair. Often outlast the tyre.

Not bad either Ā£45 all in for recovery and repair.

Not bad! My last two tyre related incidents cost Ā£125 and Ā£185 respectively. Both times side wall damage so tyres needed replacing. That cost was also mail-order tyre onlyā€¦ No recovery or fitting!

I was most annoyed the second time when I realised the price of the tyres I use had gone up Ā£60 in 4 monthsā€¦

Mine are run-flats and therefore not repairable in any forrm.


After battling the automated phone systemā€¦

ā€œYes, i want to change my engineers installation dateā€

ā€œYes sir, we have it here for XX Dateā€

ā€œYes, i want to change itā€

ā€œYes sir, its already booked for XX Dateā€

ā€œNoā€¦i have a booking, and i want to move itā€¦ā€

ā€œSo, you dont want the booking on XX Dateā€¦?ā€


It literally is. Taxpayers are the public and the revenue is spent. Debt interest is still public spending and borrowing is just future taxation.

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Not when siphoning money from essential services it doesnā€™t. Thereā€™s a slice of the pie missing that could either be back in peopleā€™s pockets, invested into that service, or direct into the Government.

The UK is going the wrong way. For a peaceful and prosperous future, the only path is through political confluence and increasingly ā€œsocialistā€ and socialist-adjacent policies.

The capitalist sectors as we know them will eat themselves if they stay on the same course. Keeping wages low and profits high reduces consumer spending power, investing in automation lowers wage bills but leaves fewer employed, so margins grow but the consumer pool shrinks. Fewer employed or not highly enough employed require state support, but the tax intake is reducingā€¦

Those dystopian future films with corporate governments that near-everyone agrees wouldnā€™t be a good future is the only path through that, where wealth is replaced with power as the goal for those at the top end of society and food and a roof is compensation for work. Earth will be renamed Amazonia and Jeffy Bā€™s great great great grandchildren will run the world. Muskā€™s descendants will have North Macedonia after buying France, renaming it, and not paying their rent to Amazon for the air used.

Yes, hyperbole, but you canā€™t keep extracting a finite resource (money) upwards without eventually running out of resource to extract.

The alternative is to ensure fairer distribution and for everyone (individuals up to nations) to stop looking simply at themselves and care outward with reciprocity.

GMG? Society. People. Short-termism.


How many exceptions are there now for visa-granting for ā€œin demandā€ sectors and jobs? Itā€™s almost like Brexit never happened except for the British :rofl:


Well no. Theyā€™re not directly linked. Thatā€™s the problem. The individual tax burdens are higher, but we have stalling growth, businesses not making profits, businesses going bankrupt left right and centre and therefore theyā€™re not paying taxes, so the total income can fall while those still left paying tax are paying more per head.

Thereā€™s a reason I travel with my Irish passport and havenā€™t renewed my British one since it expired several years ago.

The Irish passport now grants the holder more rights than the British one, including in the UK. Itā€™s the only passport in the world that comes with automatic residence and work rights in both the UK & EU; and thatā€™s as a direct consequence of Brexit.

So well done Brexiteers for making the Irish more powerful than the British even at home.


Those residence and work rights have existed since 1922 under the Common Travel Area. That Ireland remains within the grasp of Brussels is irrelevant. I am very surprised Irish exceptionalism has not been stamped out by the eu kommisars as being unfair.

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Growth has stalled worldwide, just look at Germany. Businesses have always gone bankrupt, frequently others take their place. Seen many restaurants go under near me, the premises are rarely vacant long.

Given that this exception comes from allowances within British legislation, are you now saying that the EU should have the right to change UK legislation after all?

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Well, yes? So what? I didnā€™t attribute any blame for the stalling growth, itā€™s a factor in the problem, regardless of whether itā€™s happening elsewhere.

You really have to stop with this, itā€™s getting silly. You have this unstoppable need to reply to every one of my comments with some little niggly attack at a point Iā€™m not actually making ā€œoh, there are racists on the left tooā€ ā€œgrowth is falling everywhere.ā€

Its an entirely fallacious style of arguing and doesnā€™t take any debate anywhere, itā€™s vacuous, and although I refuse to take moderation action myself, because to do that would be inherently unfair, itā€™s likely to see other mods weigh in.

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The point you made immediately prior may have been vaguely tangentially relevant, but comments from you like this one arenā€™t unusual and unfortunately slip beyond bias and opinion into the realms of disingenuous and beyond. It taints everything else you say and like what @Baldrick picked up on is bad faith debating.

This kind of thing is why we canā€™t have a Sunday Politics thread.


Wow, the last 70 or so posts are a bitā€¦ ermā€¦ heavy going.

Everyone don tin hats and take their chill pills.

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Soā€¦ Kingā€™s Speech thoughts everyone? That should be non-contentious.

GMG - People not replying to emails at work, when they are sending me emails on a different subject. Even when its a time-sensitive matterā€¦