You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Starting the weelend with 4 new tyres on the car.

Luckily it was pay day yest

Getting mine in 3hrs :nerd_face:

While I don’t condone booing your own player (unless it’s really warranted), does Southgate really not get why fans don’t want to see players who like Henderson’s and Maguire aren’t playing high quality football every week?

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A frost, we’ve got snow on the tops up here :snowflake:


I love Postmodern Jukebox type stuff.

Had to drive in the city today, for the first time in a long time. When did urban drivers become such poor quality and so entitled?

Does that 10,000,000 include children under 7?

As Radio 4s “more or less” program has used in the past, you can roughly/back of a fag packet/ sketch it out take it that for every age group there are ~1 million people.

this is far from accurate, but is a good “round number” and makes for easy quick maths. just because we have within our population people at the age of 100 doesn’t mean we therefore have 1million at 100 years old but as a quick an dirty figure you could suggest those under 7 and those over 85 let say comes to in excess of 10 million

the number quoted above though i suspect is only looking at adults who could be digitally on board but for whatever reason are excluded and covers the age range 18-88

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There are some older members also not knowing what is going on :wink:

That 10 million is all age groups. but the balance is within the older community, who because of being technical illiterate, not their fault consistently miss out on things that those with access can have.

Children under 7 probably have better skills than their grandparents.

Alright scrooge mcduck… you rob a bank or something?

Arrange a meeting with paid staff, take a day off work to travel to the office and do the meeting. Get there to find the office closed because the person I’m meant to be meeting is on annual leave in France this week.

To say I’m livid is an understatement. Looks like it’s not just RAFAC where permanent staff treat volunteers like :poop:


Invoice them a day’s pay and travel costs.

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They’re getting the travel costs. And I won’t be assisting at an event next month anymore so I can make up the work/personal admin I could have done with the day.


I hate driving in a city, not only is everywhere a 20 but people can’t even drive like a normal person at that speed. makes me wonder how some people on the road have a license.

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Take the day off work to join family for the day.

Decide as the weather is now seasonal (wet) we’d go swimming with the child.

Check website of leisure centre at breakfast, yes that looks very achievable based on times available and required nap times.

Turn up. No entry its school swimming all morning. Are you sure you’re looking at the right leisure centre?

Yes…show numpty behind the desk on my phone there are three family sessions before lunch.
Well i cant let you in…
Yes i get that. But why is the website wrong?
Well if you tried to book any of those sessions it wouldn’t let you.

I’m not bothered about booking. I’m standing here now in front of you at an advertised time being told the session showing on the website is false, yet I’m to blame for not trying to book it?


Im in the wrong job, 20 mins vet appointment costing me a small fortune

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Take your missus to the hospital next time then

She the reason i keep turning the constant requests to join the US team, her medical ailments would bankrupt me

Yeah. That wouldn’t work. My brother has worked out that he only needs emergency care there. Anything that can wait, it’s cheaper for him to get a last minute flight back to the UK and visit a GP or hospital here. And he doesn’t have any medical issues, other than those which come with being related to me.