You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Phone stolen, got new number.

Try to login to Bader to update phone number - need to verify identity with old number.


It can call your landline?

Or just get it to keep calling the thief until they hand your phone in to the nearest police station.

Unfortunately I have two options presented, text my mobile, or call my mobile. No landline here.

In the recent words of a cadet: “what’s a landline?”


You beat me to it. Who still has landlines? Even my dad doesn’t (but he hasn’t gotten into the habit of keeping his mobile with him, either).

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I certainly do, when power cuts kick in, the landline phone network is unaffected plus many elderly have one because it is linked to their alarm systems when they need help.

During major incidents when the mobile networks are taken down unless you have need for a specific emergency services sim card you can’t communicate to others, also it is difficult to interfere with.

The main point is that the battery doesn’t run out and if you drop the phone you are far more unlikely to break it.

There are at least 10,000,000 people in the UK who are digitally excluded, who don’t have mobile or smartphones etc.


Until we all move to VOIP in the next few years, when the phone will become dependent on your broadband connection. It’s one of the massive disadvantages of VOIP


I think I saw am article earlier in the week about the copper network being decommed by BT/Openreach, total switchover due 2025.


Facebook Marketplace.

The price is always wrong, the description is always wrong and sellers hardly ever seem to close their listings once the item has sold. That’s in addition to some absolutely ridiculous price gouging that seems to go on there and ludicrous demands by sellers.

As an example, I’m in the market for a motorbike right now and saw a nice example of a 1985 Honda Goldwing for a reasonable price. The seller won’t permit test rides and is clearly becoming furious that the bike won’t sell. Gee, I wonder why you might be struggling…?

Bloody trains, and the replacement busses. Currently on a rail replacement bus that’s going to take an hour and its a completely full double decker, with loads of people standing and luggage everywhere.

Honestly feels very dangerous.

Last week i contacted a seller for an item requesting pick up this weekend. They agreed but said not before Sunday lunchtime.
Ok i reply, what’s the address for pick up (this is Thursday).

No response so ask again Saturday afternoon and again Sunday morning

Get a response midafternoon…sorry it sold yesterday

Wtf??? How?

The buyers aren’t much better, I gave up on it a long time ago. I tried selling a fridge freezer less than a year old “will you take a fiver”. I gave it away to the travellers rather than sell it to the cretins trying to buy it.

People who chase a response to their email, by replying to your response. It happens far too often in this organisation.

This confuses me because it means you’re getting responses…

GMG the expression “it will be so much easier when we move your systems over to the cloud”

  1. The Cloud is simply somebody else’s computer. Stop making out it’s some amazing and revolutionary system.

  2. It won’t be. Stop trying to fob me off.

  3. The cost saving’s you’ve made by employing a “Cloud Solution” have been entirely negated by the time I’m spending listening to hold music NOT doing my job because our “Cloud Solution” is, frankly, rubbish! Dave from IT didn’t need hold music. I phoned him and he fixed things in 20mins. It takes me 20mins to log a call with “the Cloud Solution” provider - and then they have to fix it; assuming they can be bothered.

  4. This is not progress. Or easier.


Our ‘Dave’ clearly works for us because no-one else will have him. He also seems to specialise in ‘workarounds’ rather than solutions, all the while blaming a faceless, nameless supplier that he’ll ‘put pressure’ on to achieve what we ask for. I have yet to see a positive result from this pressure. The joys of the public sector.

Until that last sentence I wondered if you worked for the organisation where my father in law is the"Dave"

Cloud is the CFO’s dream but the CIO’s worst night mare…


I always found Cloud to be a bit moody. Cid, Yuffie and Vincent were my favourite characters


The ‘cloud’ until a cyber terrorist takes the servers down and either ransoms the information or destroys it.

Holding information on computers can have catastrophic consequences. Recently an NHS trust lost for a considerable number of hours access to its X Ray system, could not retrieve and more importantly could not take X Rays of those needing them. This was just waiting to happen when they migrated from film to computer based system. And this is just using local servers.