You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

So can storing xrays in filing cabinets or in leaky basements. Not sure what your point is?


But its cheaperā€¦
Or at least it is initially.

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And the CTOs ā€œspecial thoughtsā€

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GMG local overnight road repairs making journey home from Sqn take 45 minutes rather than the usual 15-20

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You donā€™t normally get that happening and some film X Rays can be far better than computer generated ones according to my radiographer colleagues.

A film in the hand is far better when a computer failure stops the commencement of treatment in an emergency.

One of many reasons why community rehabilitation should be the first choice of sentencing for non-violent offences: England and Wales judges told not to jail criminals because prisons full ā€“ report | UK criminal justice | The Guardian

Build more prisons, what do we have 80,000 spaces for a population of 66 Million itā€™s simply not enough.

Agreed, but thatā€™s not an overnight fix. What do we do in the interim?

Tented prison camps?

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RIAT can be used as a template

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Well we have a workforce in prison, they can be trained as they build, pay them the minimum wage, pays for their board and lodging and remainder to their victims and a savings account for release.

If they donā€™t work, double the sentences and keep doubling them every time they refuse to work.

Only need 500 beds for 1000 prisoners, as if they are not working they sleep, good enough for naval crews who are volunteers protecting the state to hot bunk, good enough for those who have broken societal norms.


Concrete hard standings, enough of them around the UK, barbed wire fences and portacabins for accomodation.

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Hardly going to rehabilitate them for when theyā€™re released


We have had BT install fibre to property, incl. VOIP, the engineer said 2025 was the target. However, it was challenging, so expected to draw out to 2030. The power (or lack of) issue is well known about by the providers whilst not fairly widely known in the general community, as with the new system, itā€™s all or nothing. To resolve the twchbixal aspect, mini battery based Uninterrupable Power Supplies (UPS) will become more available to enable basic VOIP operations during power outages. How practical/affordable this will be, I guess, will be up for debate.

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Read what I said, as they build they are trained, paid and have a percentage retained for their release.

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Itā€™s plenty, we send too many people to prison. We have the highest incarceration rate in Western Europe. Other countries comparable to us manage to incarcerate less people, so why canā€™t we?

The prisons are also horrific, which means weā€™re just making things worse by sending them in there.


There also seems to be a complete lack of transparency around how customers move to VoIP. Our provider is offering us a ā€˜dealā€™ to migrate to Fibre + VoIP and itā€™s a full 3x more expensive than the current landline plus fibre to the cabinet contract.

You bloody liberals and your ideasā€¦ :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

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We donā€™t send enough people for long enough.

Although I donā€™t subscribe to the US 3 strikes rule there should be a limit. Iā€™m regularly making charging decisions for recidivists with over 100 convictions at what point should we as society treat them as the lost cause that they are.


And you are dealing with a small but continual percentage of society. Given the recent murders in Liverpool, one of the murderers was well known to my neighbour who is in Merseyside Police and in his words ā€˜Iā€™ve locked him up a few timesā€™. Says it all really.

Criminals in the UK in these times are very lucky they didnā€™t live in Germany under Hitler as after a second time in prison, you were met by the ā€˜niceā€™ man from the Gestapo and taken to the local concentration camp for an undetermined period of re-education through work. The Germans in the media at the time fully published what the camps were for to the general population.

These are the people you are dealing with in London, stay safe.

What will he get, a couple of years at most?