You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

I do want a good SJAR… must remember to pack my knee pads.

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And a pack of chocolate hob nobs.


Shirt and tie…

Do not recommend :face_vomiting::joy:

ACP 1358 says that officers have to wear a tie when they wear jumpers. This is precisely why, when winter rolls around, I wear a short-sleeved shirt with a GPJ.


Everyone is required to wear ties with jumpers.

Unless in 2C…

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Could someone tell CRAFAC’s CoS in that case. He joined a call I was on without one…

I think those wearing female pattern blouses can wear without tie?

(I claim my this has turned into a dress regs thread bingo prize)


Absolutely, my go to at every opportunity, so much so I’ve acquired extra blouses :rofl:

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See, I think this look is the scruffiest look in the air force, and I hate it. (Particularly those who refuse to take the jacket off inside.)

It’s far scruffier than jumper sans tie, and ironically, by banning that option, because it was too scruffy, we ended up with the worse alternative.


There is a HQACer I know who is trying to get a change to ACP 1358. Not to allow jumpers without ties, but to enable CFAVs to wear ribbons on their GPJs.

If he’s successful, we may have many CFAVs wandering around looking looks goons from The Galactic Empire.

Gettng ready for 1st Class Training.

I’m looking at that and trying to understand the rank structure but it’s melting my brain…

There’s no consistency of which colour is senior across branches at all.

Are you trying to understand a military ranking system, for a galaxy far, far away?

This would need to be a sS-wide decision and, personally, I think we’d need to replace the GPJ first.

Are they volunteer or paid staff?

This sounds very similar to what some police forces allow on their soft shell so also wonder if they’re a cop.

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Nope, not a copper. They’re a CFAV.

Their argument for it is that there is so little recognition for CFAVs right now, this would at least give a little bit.

Should’ve kept thunderbird jackets when the RAF phased them out.


Wonder if they’re the same person who’s pestering Cabinet Office to allow postnominals for the CFM in the same way that reservists can use VR?

Arnold Judas Rimmer BSC, SSC ?

Bronze Swimming Certificate, Silver Swimming Certificate

It reminds me of this clip from Cabin Pressure…. (8m 40s mark can’t get the video to quite link to the exact place)


a car)
ARTHUR : Shall I offer to take his crown, or will he want to keep it on for the flight?
DOUGLAS : Just a minute, Arthur. Martin …
(Clinking of metal.)
DOUGLAS : What are you doing?
MARTIN : I know you’re going to laugh.
DOUGLAS : Are you putting on …?
MARTIN : It is correct protocol to wear one’s decorations when greeting a foreign head of state.
DOUGLAS : Medals ?! When did you get medals ?!
MARTIN : During the ten years I was a … member of the Air Cadets.
DOUGLAS : I see. What’s this one?
MARTIN : That’s my Cadet Forces Medal.
DOUGLAS : For …?
MARTIN : Being in the Air Cadets.
DOUGLAS : Impressive stuff! And the other one?
MARTIN (hurriedly) : Doesn’t matter.
DOUGLAS : It does matter.
MARTIN : You’ll only make fun of it.
DOUGLAS : Martin, let us be perfectly clear: the good ship Douglas Making Fun of Martin’s Medals set sail the moment you took the decision to put on some medals. The voyage is now well underway, and I can only suggest you relax and enjoy it. What’s the other one?
MARTIN : … It’s … my Millennium Star.
DOUGLAS : Is it?! And that’s awarded for …?
MARTIN : I think you know what it’s for.
DOUGLAS : I have a wild hope, certainly, but surely it’s too good to be true.
MARTIN : It was awarded – by the Queen – to all serving members of the Armed Forces and Cadet Corps … to commemorate the new millennium.
DOUGLAS (delightedly) : It is ! You’re going to meet the King of Liechtenstein wearing a medal you got for being alive in the year two thousand!
ARTHUR : I wish I’d known. I could have got that one.