You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Direct Debit. Luckily covered by the indemnity, so the bank are refunding the money.


Mobile Networks. Child 2 out of contract and provider no where near competitive on SIM only so ported to alternative for better deal yesterday. They just called that number claiming they would now beat the competitor. Why donā€™t they just offer decent deal in the first place?

Being stubborn, even though I know they will match others over the coming months they will lose another 4 lines and broadband. People need to start voting with their feet rather than allowing these companies to match deals then we will all end up better off.


I feel your pain. We - thankfully - are with PlusNet on a SIM only no-contract deal. But PlusNet ditched their mobile providership and are moving us all over to EE. EE will honour the PlusNet price for the first year only. Having been with EE previously, we moved away due to poor customer services and doing the ā€œdeal matchingā€ you described. Oh. And mid year prices rises for contracts!

Iā€™ve just migrated Child 1 to Smarty because itā€™s cheaper and gives 4 x as much data for the same price as EE. Child 2 is switching this month. Mrs BF and I will switch next month (assuming no signal issues with the childrenā€™s phones!!!)

On the downside, Smarty/EE appear quite busy at the moment - it took 4 days to migrate the PAC across!!!

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I was with Orange from Uni as they had a good student deal, then accepted the move to EE but got fed up and have since moved and not regretted it

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I have an EE SIM in my second slot, purely for coverage when out in remote areas. Always been pretty good. Also been great at festivals. For some reason their network doesnā€™t seem to get saturated nearly as quickly as others.

My main SIM is Three though. Been with them as long as I can remember and always been great. Currently paying Ā£8 a month for 30GB. Could probably save a pound going with one of the newer/smaller networks. But not worth the fuss for me!

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Iā€™ve moved to iD on a SIM only. So much better than EE or Vodafone. And a fraction of the price

Iā€™m currently on Tesco Mobile for 3 reasons;

  1. No mid-contract price rises. Sorry, but I sign up for the price you offer only, anything else is just greed on your part.
  2. European roaming coverage. Iā€™m starting to travel more again post-Covid and this is quite important for me.
  3. Customer service. Iā€™ve had big issues with Vodafone and other providers before, but never with Tesco Mobile.

This is a big one where three has let me down this year. Theyā€™ve moved back over to a pay per day system. Ā£2 a day! I am only really abroad for 1 week a year at most though.

Thatā€™s why I switched from EE to O2. My other half is a European citizen so we spend quite a lot of time in the EU.

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I was with O2 immediately before Tesco, but when they reintroduced mid-contract price rises I decided to sack them off.

Tesco uses O2ā€™s network anyhow, but doesnā€™t currently have the negative qualities that O2 now has.

Iā€™m a dual UK/EU citizen with family in the EU, hence my need to travel more frequently.

Might have to have a look at Tesco then

Still on 4Sims Pre Brexit EE Deals
So although I am not getting as much data as I could on a new deal it is enough for what we need and includes roaming
If I move to a payg roaming at Ā£2 per day per Sim it still seems to work even with all the price increases over time
Next time I do my periodic check will see what happens


Interview later today, and weā€™ve had quite possibly the worst night weā€™ve ever had with the boyā€¦

I finally got my head down at 0700 for an hour and half ā€¦
The missus has just gone up for a bit.

I look and feel like death and Iā€™ve got this interview and then have to work a night shiftā€¦

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Hope it goes as well as well as possible mate. Is it with someone who knows your circumstances and will understand the context?

Absolutely not. OC Eng.

Do you have a friendly officer who can explain it to him/her?

Just offer him some crayons as a snack beforehand and heā€™ll be fine.

Can swap if you want.

Not even sure how to wear blues anymore. Even polished my shoes. Betraying every principle I stand for.

Low speed, high drag.

Long sleeves as well, you must really be trying to make an impression!

Brown noser