You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Time to abandon Amazon Prime then. Amazon Prime Video content to start including ads next year - BBC News

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Well, I’ve just stopped paying for Netflix, so maybe amazon is next! If I stop eating avocadoes then I might be able to buy a house with all these savings… /s

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Do people really find ads that annoying?

I just zone out then zone back in when the thing i want yo watch/listen to/play is back on the screen

Ms. Victor Zulu cant stand the fact i dont pay for spotify premium :joy:

I find paying a subscription and then still having ads that annoying, yes.

One or the other is fine. Both is greed.


if only your got paid for your Memes :wink:

someone better informed than me will have to answer this, but are their ads on Sky Sports and other such packages?
These are long time, well established “subscription” services (additional tv channels and coverage) yet my understanding was there was still adverts within?

If anyone listens to BBC R4s “Media Show” this has been talked about for months, and is a reaction to both the reducing number of people subscribing to services and the fact there is so much competition out there viewers are choosing one platform for their needs rather than multiple.

With the demand for programmes to be high quality they require high production values, but that has to come from subscriptions - with fewer subscribers comes lower income yet expectations of those subscribers who stay remains high.
these platforms are struggling to maintain the program quality on reducing budgets (sounds like the BBC) and so finding other ways to both fund their expense and maintain a “healthy” number of subscribers

FFIW i have no such subscriptions, happy with bog standard Sky telly with no paid for extras only ever the “free” package they offer on “renewal” or threats to leave. We prefer to record everything of interest and utilise the FF and pause function - skipping the ads at our convenience.

In some cases we watch programs 24 hours later, having recorded them the night before, others such as the “reality tv” we watch 30-40 minutes after it starts so we don’t catch up as we FF the ads. In some cases we “netflix” it by storing up a whole series and binge watch it over a weekend/week

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Prime is the only subscription service I have left.

Amazon is worth billions, and “earns” billions every year. They can throw whatever excuse they like out there, but there isn’t any that makes charging and then still showing ads acceptable - especially given their profits.

At this rate, if I do want to watch anything, I’ll be yelling YoHoHo and a Bottle of Rum!


It’s a shame but I only have Amazon due to the extra delivery stuff plus audible. It kinda makes sense that if you want the add free option as well you add a little more.

To be honest the streaming service we watch the most at home is iPlayer even though we have Disney, Apple & were borrowing a friends Netflix (although we hardly watched it).

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Both is the sign that the model isn’t sustainable.

Besides, people coped with Sky in the UK and Cable in the US for decades - it’s no different, but the companies now switching back to these subscription including ad models have created the environment where people now expect ad free paid services.


Me and the Missus being hungry and feeling lazy went to order McDonalds online, 2 extra value meals and a nugget share box. ÂŁ30+

So we are going to the local for a roast instead.

So which elements grind my gears, McDonalds prices and my having to get dressed on a Sunday!

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You’re welcome.


I see Enoch Braverman has been allowed to speak in public again…:roll_eyes:


She’s an embarrassment, and likely next Tory Leader at this rate!


First person of colour to be Leader of the Opposition

It’s alright Labour will find another white male to be the one after her :rofl:


Shes a local MP and loves one my Sector NCOs, ive asked him to have a word with Aunty Suella :joy:

Sounds like a perfect fit

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I don’t know whether to sad or angry react more.

Both, I’m honestly in disbelief!

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Is it bad that my first thought was “I bet it was the landowner”?