You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

It’s somehow become an insult for those who don’t like the opinions of a large part of the country.


The UK is generally a small ‘c’ conservative country, me, I’m a solid Thatcherite and have been since the 70s, a small state, strong defence person.

Even in the late 70s a solid trade unionist Joe Gormley the leader of the NUM was a source for MI5.

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We’re not doing politics. Again.


I saw this very clip on a course some years ago, along with some very good ones from Drop The Dead Donkey, highlighting the way the media can manipulate a story.


So I just had breakfast delivered, I was very excited for my bacon and maple syrup pancakes. Until I opened it and there was no bacon.

Damn you Tim Hortons!!!

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Walking into the lounge, limited light from the hallway at time, as was carrying a box and couldnt pop the light on.

“Oh…must clean that black mark on the wall”

Black mark moves…

Runs out of the room for a glass, a piece of paper, and a change of underwear…

Big enough spider, that you could hear it running up and down the glass :flushed::flushed:


I leave the spiders alone now, as I’d rather have spiders and a few easy-to-clean cobwebs than flies.

Although I’ve only ever been woken up in the middle of the night by one crawling across my face once, so I guess I’ve been lucky.

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Dont worry. Theres plenty of little’uns in the kitchen.

I just put him outside to terrorise the insects out there…or feed the local neighbourhood hedgehog.

But what size glass was required? I had to remove a “1-pint” spider from the office the other day.

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Before or after the liquidiser was used?

the Dentist!!


12 months ago I booked this years appointment, convenient to get to on my commute home from work.
today I get a SMS “Dear Steve we’d like to invite you to book your annual check up, please call us…”

Weird i thought, I have an appointment in 2 weeks. So I call them up.
D: oh hello, yes that appointment has been cancelled as it was booked with the hygienists
me: oh really? So when am I going to be told it is cancelled?
D: yes so, would you like to book a new appointment?
Me: well yes please

me: ok fine, lets go with that date.

I now have an appointment a month later and an hour later (now increasing the inconvenience) than the now cancelled appointment and can only be aligned with one dentist as no other dentist at the practise has appointments left this year!

i know i shouldn’t complain as i actually have an NHS dentist but i am aggrieved by their error causing me inconvenience


Yeah, don’t complain too much. My dentist recently just decided to go entirely private without telling me. So all of a sudden, I am without an NHS dentist. Very annoying.

I had an appointment booked for April 2020. The dentist cancelled it (obvious reasons) saying they’d be in touch with a new date.

The next correspondence I received from them was 3 years later to say they were going private and dumping their NHS patients.

I’ve change practice, but no other practice in the entire county was taking on NHS patients, so I’ve also had to go private too.

Tried to book once at the place I’d been all my life. Hadn’t been for a couple of years (time of life where mum stops planning your schedule) so thought I should go.

“Oh, that dentist retired 6 months ago and we haven’t replaced them yet, no one else has space for another patient, well let you know when you can book”.

A letter arrives:

“Dear X, we’ve taken you off the books because you haven’t had an appointment with us”

Are you the head of the escape committee?

At Endex in Florida with the USAF in the 90’s, we were waiting for the septics to pick us up and transport us back to the base.

We were in a sandy area bordering woodland. It was summer. I was bursting . I removed my helmet and walked into the woodline to water the undergrowth with a flow akin to a fireman’s hose.

Until i realised that I’d walked into a web that a king kong size spider had spun between the trees. My bladder took priority and I started the flow. Ooohh…sweet jesus…oooh thats goooood…when I felt a hefty weight drop on my head.

. I knew instinctively that Mr Spider had arrived to see what he’d caught for supper.

My right hand somehow authorised my left to take over the manual handling task in progress and I saw my right hand moving up towards my head. ? I thought - I hadn’t told you to do that! My firemans hose had dwindled to the same flow as a tap that was part of the 1976 drought.

Anyway, I felt a body the size of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson fill the palm of my right hand and in one swift movement, I body slammed ‘Dwayne’ to the floor. I then carried out a tactical withdrawal to the safety of my mates who were lounging about outside the woodline.

Apparently, the Floridians have ‘wood spiders’ which grow to the size of humvee vehicles but are pretty harmless. I challenge anyone on here to enter a wood on a Floridian training area at night, in the summer and land a HUGE spider on their exposed heads and try to stay calm with the thought of ‘they’re harmless’…

I hate anything thats got more legs than me…

Probably one of these, that my team & I found swimming next to us at the bottom of a waterfall, along with quite a few of its offspring.

The largest spiders in Florida grow to about 5-6" in length. Needless to say I’m beginning to feel sorry for your other half.

It must be car insurance renewal time! No claims, no licence points, now moving up to 7 year’s no claims bonus…

This is why according to Go Compare i now identify as female…saves me £100s on car insurance!

[This is a joke, i am not intending to belittle the LGBTQ+ community just trying to raise a smile]


It’s frustrating. I’ve been budgeting hard these last few months, as my pay hasn’t increased for 2 years. Doing everything I can to keep the price low, I’m still going to be paying 50% more than last year as a minimum despite having done everything correctly.

Is transageism a thing? I might need to identify as being an older driver…