You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

How hot women have baths and showers. Just got in without checking the temperature first (my fault, I’ve been married long enough to know she likes it hotter than Satan’s sauna) and think I need to go and jump in an ice bath now.
Seriously, how do you all cope?

Sounds like you’re prejudging their situations based on prejudice.

Fortunately, asylum decisions are judicial, not based on the prejudice of the average Express reader.


Anyone who seeks asylum is an asylum seeker, regardless of what anyone considers to be their “true” motive. If their application for asylum is granted, they become a refugee and subject to protection under international law.

How they arrive in the country is, frankly, inmaterial.

The best way to “sToP tHe BoAtS” is to invest in making their home countries a better place to stay. Yet the same people who decry “illegal” migration also decry doing the only effective thing to do about it and can’t get their heads around how incongruous that is.


Will have to agree to disagree with you there. We are being played for fools by cynical gangs of criminals and attitudes like yours are enabling them. I assume you will be volunteering to host an alleged asylum seeker in your home if you trust their motivations so much?


Honestly, this ‘argument’ really does GMG. I can support a cause without going to the end of the earth to support it. I support sending money and arms to Ukraine, but that doesn’t mean I’d jump on the first flight out there to fight.


This whole topic GMG to be honest, how can you have enough contempt towards people to call them “illegal”? We’re all humans and they haven’t done anything wrong, no sense of respect.


It’s the same sort of contempt towards the legal aid bill. I see it all the time, every time there’s a high profile trial the Mail or Express FOIs how much money was spent on Legal Aid for the defendant. And decries all that money going to those ‘lefty lawyers’ (and they always quote the gross sums!) Defending the ‘guilty’.

And so, there were easy votes in removing vast swathes of people and case types from legal aid eligibility, and it was done, much to the pleasure of those contemptuous middle class Mail readers.

And yet, when those same people find themselves facing a cheeky little Death by Careless Driving charge (Because young Tarquin was crying in the back of the Range Rover) and facing a remortgage to pay for their bleeding heart lawyers privately, they’re the first to demand to know where that particular plank of the welfare state has disappeared to…


I find myself with James Holland on this one, yes we need to house asylum seekers, but as historical RAF sites go Scampton is the RAF’s HMS Victory and should’ve been preserved especially since their was a plan in place to do so.

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Stay single!

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A lot of those countries, any aid is seen as income for whichever despot is running it this week.

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There are illegal aliens and there’s asylum seekers. Surely asylum should be claimed in the first safe state, not be shopped around for. Germany France Italy Holland and Spain are safe first world states. And the actions of the French are despicable in shepherding boats to the mid-point in the channel, putting them at risk.

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That’s not a legal requirement. Never has been.
And the vast majority of them do, if you compare the figures on how many asylum seekers we take compared to other european countries, we are always lagging behind and moaning disproportionately about the relatively small numbers we do get.

The current ‘crisis’ of numbers is a home made problem. The numbers coming in have not dramatically increased overnight, but the rate at which they are processed has slowed down.

This is arguably a political choice, as it certainly wasn’t an issue when we took more Ukrainians in in two years than we took all refugees in the previous 7.


Insert Peter Griffin skin colour chart meme here…


Or the South Park video game difficulty slider…


As opposed of course to legal ones…


Sometimes I forget how many Daily Mail reading individuals we have in this organisation :frowning_face:


One of my favourite clips

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Mine too. Like much of Yes (Prime) Minister, it never ages.


And what is wrong with the Daily Mail, far bigger reach to the UK population and world wide than say the Guardian.