You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

That’s certainly how it came across to me. The fact that she even called it “point thirty-three” rather than “point three three” not being the best sign.

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ooooh that one grinds my gears.

My European colleagues in particular like to refer to measurements as point - twenty two/ forty-six/ eighty-three etc rather the point - two-two/ four-six / eight-three

Maybe she’s a software developer who was thinking in terms of version control! 1.15 is ‘One dot fifteen’ :wink:


What do you mean? It goes 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 right?

Fixing a typo a full revision, surely?

Or are you telling me that our organisation does something wrong?

We went from 2.4.x.y to 2.5.y.x just to change the X Y so it the s the correct way around, x is almost always 0

2.3 > 2.4 was from on-site hosted to cloud hosted.

You mean to say the ACP with all the contact details (ACP 8) doesn’t need to be at version 681.0? 🫨

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Home Secretary’s with bright ideas and no grip on reality.


“Roll out another policy… Stop them talking about small boats and barges”

If she goes and lives on the barge for one full calendar year without leaving or complaining, she’ll have convinced me it’s a safe and proper idea.


And if it slips it’s mooring, I’m not sure I’d complain… #justsaying

Applies to all of them since time immemorial, I remember one defence sec stating that the Paras would not be firing a shot in Helmand, how many years of 5.56, 7.63, 50 cal 40mm and ,81 mm did they get through? Thousands upon thousands.

Oddly enough, I drove past (former) RAF Scampton earlier today, where roughly 10 people were attempting to start a protest.

3 of them were wearing clown outfits and, given how small the protest was, that was just poetic.

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Shame about scampton. They had an approved £300m redevelopment plan ready to go but instead they get the illegal immigrants


You say that, but I noticed on the Government’s property disposal website that the whole site is listed as for sale.

I wonder if the government have binned off the idea and just kept it quiet to hide away from the bad publicity?

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There’s no such thing as an illegal asylum seeker.


This weeks work diary…

Tomorrow, half day then drive the million miles to bradford.

Thursday, store visit in bradford until 6pm then the million mile return journey

Friday - First meeting 7am

If you’re driving for work, and the milage is claimable, are you not then entitled to your minimum 11 hours rest between working days? Assuming it’ll take you about 5 hours to get home, you’re only looking at 8 hours!

Use those working time rules in your favour :wink:

And don’t forget that arriving home after 2000 hours after a full day should mean dinner on expenses :wink:


Its all expensed and stuff just a long old day. Going to TL it for a days hol next Fri before i start my week off

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Learn to fly, tax deductable as its for work.

Buy a plane (i know a guy)

Fly… save time, simples