You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Why not out up a big sign that some of your plants are poisonous to dogs, you have been warned.

I’ve just done something similar with the local village’s Facebook page.

This is a local bridlepath for local people, we’ll have no trouble here!

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I’ve long thought there ought to be a Royston Vasey Sqn

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You’ve clearly never experienced 326

I’m sure that what is now 1234 (Test) Squadron on MS Teams (commanded by Blackadder, Edmund) was once 1234 (Royston Vasey) Sqn.

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GMG: The M25!


GMG: Curry’s useless delivery people.

Only way to travel on the magic roundabout is with ‘blues ad twos’. The Paris PĂ©riphĂ©rique is just as bad, but far more fun on ‘blues and twos’

Tech or food? Because I know which one I’d be most annoyed by arriving late.

Yeah but you don’t take a day off work to wait for dinner to be delivered

Depends on how fat you’re feeling

Cambelt and major service today - that was ÂŁ600

Usual honest mechanic i use handed my a quote for ÂŁ800 for other bits that need fixing before my MOT :sob::sob::sob::sob:

Might need to max out some VA

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I live in a rural area so I’m used to slow internet speeds, but my upload speed has been getting worse and worse. So I finally called my ISP today and they confirmed I should be receiving a minimum upload speed of 0.4 Mbps.

The lass on the other end of the phone ran a test her end and said “I can see you’re receiving an upload speed of 0.33, which is higher than our minimum speed guarantee of 0.4”

No matter what I tried, she refused to see that that was incorrect. I even tried telling her “you’ve promised 0.40 and I’m receiving 0.33, which is low” and got “no, no, no, it’s not 0.40 it’s just 0.4” thrown back at me.

I’m amazed some people manage to remember how to breathe without it being written down for them. I informed her that I would be submitting a formal complaint and ended the call.

TIL: 0.33 > 0.4

Reminds me of the failed 1/3 pounder burger, because 4 is larger than 3


Exactly where my head went too, though I thought better than to throw that her way as it was clear she would want the quarter pounder

I had a similar experience with British Gas.

Before i met my wife, i was living on my own, and was able to reduce my energy (gas and electricity) usage. I was on a fixed rate deal, and using less so expected my DD to go down
according to several at BG they insisted my DD was increased.

no one i spoke to understood that if my bill was ÂŁ240 for the year, that equals ÂŁ20/month would cover it.
if my bill reduced to ÂŁ180/year my monthly payment should reduce to ÂŁ15/month

they insisted the monthly payment needed to go up - some people just don’t get it

*NB these are not actual energy numbers, these were used as easy numbers for the maths

We had the same. Took a massive risk just before covid and pulled the plug on our hardwired phone connection and bought a 4G router. Then churned through free SIM cards from different providers until we found the best one in our area. Then plugged SIM card into phone to find the strongest suitable signal for the router to live.

It’s not super fast. But it’s far, far superior to the Broadband we had.

Oh. And cheaper too. Unlimited data for £18 per month from Smarty. I’ve just bought a MiFi hub too. Which is currently powering our tent on holiday in Cornwall. #win


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If your upload speed was 0.36 I could see her (pedantic) point but 0.33 is unambiguously not 0.4 even if rounded to the nearest 10th

They always round up :wink:

I don’t think this is a rounding issue. I get the impression it’s more a case of someone thinking 0.33 > 0.4 because thirty-three is bigger than four (i.e. they don’t know how decimals work).

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