You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Parachuting has three avenues of action. The first is your main canopy. Rounds fail less often than squares.

Second, your reserve canopy. Admittedly, it’s there to save your life, not your legs.

Thirdly, if the first and second points both fail, you have a third avenue to try. Clench your fists and hold your arms out at 90 degrees to your torso and cross your legs tightly.


Certainly in Civvy jumping your reserve takes hours to pack and comes with a certificate from the rigger, if it doesn’t open they are legally responsible.

Who in their right mind jumps out of a perfectly serviceable aeroplane and trusts an untested parachute???

The parachute has been tested MANY times before you get around to wearing it :rofl:

Anyway, we were often told that we weren’t booked on the return flight and TBH, there were times when one was only too glad to step out of the airframe, given the state of some of the flying.

Anyone else received 20 seperate emails from LinkedIn today?

Seem to have been properly spammed all at the same time!

You haven’t turned LinkedIn emails off yet?


I normally don’t get any… (I get some job alerts, but not suggested people!)

GMG: Having to deal with football on the main TV channels until the real World Cup starts in September in France.


Spotify hasn’t been bad for me, until I upgraded my phone. Now, despite all the settings on the phone being correct to enable continuous play, it will randomly stop at the end of a song. It does this whether I’m on WiFi, mobile data or offline playing a downloaded playlist.

With them now raising prices, at a time when no-one seems to have any spare cash anyhow, I’ll be switching to a different service.

All of these services have to. They eat losses to get the user base, then increase prices to recoup.

Netflix did it, Gamepass will have to one day. Twitch is scrabbling to increase revenues, YouTube is choosing now to try to stamp out ad block, Reddit has caused a storm with API fees…

Which is understandable if the app works correctly. It currently doesn’t.


Not really. They may have that as an issue, but that just means they have 2 problems. Both need solving.

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GMG: Cadets who ask you how to prepare for AOSB but then spend the weekend at a festival instead. “Did you do those planexes I sent you?” “No, I’ll do them tomorrow morning”. “When are you going?” “Tomorrow afternoon”. You can lead a horse to water…


Unpaid postage from WHQ costing me £1.50.

I wish Royal Mail would tell me what it is before i agree to pay for it to be delivered so I know not to bother.

Findings of RAFPs investigation into the subversive elements of ACC of which you are a conspirator, only for there to be no further action since they removed the Commission and therefore you no longer come under service law?


Uhh what?

Is it the remittance advice for your prior claim of £1.50 in previous unpaid postage?

Claim on a 1771 from wing? Attach receipt.

Prosecutor getting a bit shorty with me this morning as I told him my client would be a bit late to court. Why? Because he’s skint and can’t afford to get to court. (There’s no system to help people get to court, unless you count sending a police officer to arrest them if they fail…)

Meanwhile, the prison service didn’t deliver the co-defendant until an hour and a half after we were due to start, (so realistically he should have been here two hours prior to his barrister could have time to speak to him.)

It’s 12, and we’ve done nothing all day.