You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Being forced to do in manually also increases the chances of a data breach. Using CC instead of BCC, or loosing your list of emails! If it was built in, those risks can be minimised a lot more.

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When Iā€™ve asked before theyā€™ve said that better integration with Gov Notify for sending out broadcast emails is on the to-do list.

When youā€™ve been ā€œupgradedā€ to Office 365 as part of the ā€œearly adopter schemeā€ to see how it works.

Only nobody told you. Or your line manager. Or their line manager. And the Head of Service wouldā€™ve known - if theyā€™d bother to check their emails and forward them on to the relevant staff.

Yay. NOT yay. Today this stopped me doing my actual job. Quite significantly.

TLV (About turn on the march) - Unless Iā€™m missing something (which would explain a lot), this was effectively outlawed over 10ish years ago from what I can remember. But Iā€™m still seeing cadets taught it. I know itā€™s easier but how is it still a thing. Iā€™ve just had cadets come back from a wing event and theyā€™re being taught TLV. I double-checked the drill manual this morning to check I wasnā€™t going insane. Either that or Iā€™ve completely missed something and weā€™ve reverted back to it.

Are there any drill gods that can assure me Iā€™m not going insaneā€¦at least on this anyway :joy:

It just wonā€™t die. It was removed just before my OIC in 2012, and Mitch was teaching us all the new version (incorrectly as it happened, remember @Foley ?)

That means jt was removed so long ago now, that none of our current cadets were even cadets when it happened.

Worse, weā€™re fast approaching the point where new cadets wonā€™t have been born when it was removed.

Yet, it still. Wonā€™t. die.


Thank you, Iā€™m not going totally insane.

I seem to remember it was around then, I was still a cadet and it was a nightmare. But itā€™s really annoying when Iā€™ve spent ages trying to get cadets out of it (who shouldnā€™t have been taught it in the first place), for them to then go to wing and be taught by senior staff/cadets that TLV is ok.



I still TLVā€¦

But i dont teach drill, so in my mind all is well.

Last time i had to inā€¦ real world about turn on the march wasā€¦

Oh yeahā€¦ never.

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Never got my head around the ā€˜newā€™ about turn. RWO came to assess me pre-OIC and I threw at him to see how it was done.

Nearly broke his ankle, certainly broke his timings.

Doing it wrong if youā€™re pivoting on an ankle

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When I joined the ATC in 2005 having previously been the CCF I remember being told by the cadets SNCOs at the time that TLV was no longer to be used.

out of curiosity is it used in other cadet forces? As by rights even the regular military who were taught it should have added out by now.

Pivoting is more harmful than TLV tbh

I just use 3 steps and make sure you have moved round 180 degrees

But then the last time I did any real drill was in the 80s

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First scam call today for a long time.

Very strong accent claiming to be from ā€œThe O2 Networkā€ offering an automatic 6-month bill discount. Impressive, given Iā€™m not with O2.

Unfortunately having answered that call, I now know that Iā€™ll receive more from other numbers.

If you want to block the number in advance, itā€™s 02036507951.

They shift numbers every other day. I get a lot of them. Theyā€™re all ā€œthis is O2ā€ and Iā€™m like, ok, Iā€™m with O2, whatā€™s my name?

"We take data protection very seriously, can you confirm your name please?

The website who called me is quite useful for double checking.

Ironically Iā€™m now more likly to pick up a withheld number than one I donā€™t recognise. :upside_down_face:

First thing I always ask any ā€˜coldā€™ caller etc after they have given me their standard first line patterā€¦ ā€¦is ā€˜Whats my name?ā€™ ā€¦If they canā€™t answer, its a hang up!

I usually answer and donā€™t say anything. If itā€™s an auto-dialler, itā€™ll just hang up whereas if you speak it puts you through to someone.

Thats why I said I always let them have the opening lineā€¦the whats my name question always gets them ā€¦and I love the slight pause until they say something to try and keep me ā€¦and before they can finish their waffle I hang up :wink:

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GMG; to do listsā€¦

Going in leave next week, so trying to squeeze two weeks worth of work into one. So i went full Eisenhower on my list todayā€¦

Only my ā€œDoā€ list was too long. So I re-Eisenhowered that. Working out what was actually feasible for the 34hours I have left. It took an hour. Then I realised Iā€™d need to knock another job off as Iā€™d spent an hour doing that.

Then the realisation dawned I should probably manage some expectations around my Delegate, Decide and Deletes to let them know which box they are inā€¦ Which might take some time tooā€¦ So I bumped down a few more Doā€™s down.

Now Iā€™m feeling confident going forwardsā€¦ But have already had unhappy phone calls requesting I re-review things. So Iā€™ve now turned my phone off, logged on to ACC (during my lunch break so as not to impact my schedule) and will soon embark on my clear my desk mission!!!

MML, at one point today, I felt myself falling into the Rimmer Revision timetable trap. For those of you not Red Dwarf fanā€™s, it can be found here:


Senior Officers getting involved, when absolutely no requirement or reason exists!

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