You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Question is, will you do that?

I will!

But what’s really annoying, I’m using a gift card towards it, so will need to wait for the refund to be put on before I can reorder. (If I was just using my credit card I would order at the new price now and then reject the first one when it is delivered).

Means I won’t be sitting watching TV on a huge screen until next weekend!

But will it drop again for Prime Day July 11/12th and annoy you again?

I’ve been trying to buy a suit now for what feels like months, ready for a wedding at the end of July. All I wanted was something light, a linen blend, that isn’t pastel coloured. Everywhere I’ve looked is either cream or beige, pastel coloured, they don’t have linen/linen blends or they have no stock because I’m a normal human size.

Moss Bros had one in their sale so I bought that, only for them to email me telling me they’d sent the jacket and waistcoat but not the trousers “due to an admin error in our warehouse”. I went in store to see if they had any, and that store didn’t but they told me one 50 mins from me did. They put a hold on them, and I drove up after work 2 days later to be told they’d never had that instruction and had sent them all back :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I bought one of Asos in the end as they had it in stock - despite both being the same labelled size the jacket is too big and the waistcoat too small. How can that be?

Why is it so hard to buy a suit that doesn’t make me boil?

Have you tried Slaters? I’ve always found them useful and they normally tailor it for you without extra cost.

My current suit is a 3-piece tailored outfit that only cost around ÂŁ100.


When is a Form 492 not a form 492?
When it is a HSEP Form 8.
When you open the file on SharePoint, there is no mention of HSEP 8 Just 492. Way to go safety centre. Making life easier since 1974

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When your GP sends you for a blood test but says “but you won’t be able to book it for 3 weeks”. So you wait 3 weeks and try and book it.

What he actually meant was “there is a 3 week wait - so if you book today, you won’t get it for 3 weeks”.

So now I have a blood test booked… 6 weeks after the original referral!!


The lads surgery has been pushed back. :person_facepalming:

Now July 31st. So another four weeks.

It’s been pushed back for a valid reason at least, but the prospect of a decent night’s sleep was so close…


Eugh, another British Canoeing remote standardisation. Muchos video faff.

Spending ~2 hours manually extracting cadet emails for an event this weekend… 152 takes a long time to grab.

Good job I have a wing role account!

Was the send to staff or to parents?

If it was to staff, there’s a 2-second way to do it using Excel.

Send to 152 cadets

Staff also added in but they are a doddle as in the GAL

I thought you could produce a contact sheet from SMS events? Assuming all the cadets are on the SMS event, can’t you go to the event and generate that? Or am I thinking of something else?

Contact report only has phone numbers.
Would be really helpful if it also had email, even if only in the CSV export.

GMG: post-holiday blues. Take me back to trekking along past Welsh waterfalls again!

something to raise to the appropriate development group??

No point. As I understand there’s basically no development on SMS in favour of the new events system when it eventually lands.

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Yet another new system and sunk dev cost when we could just hop on to Westminster…

perhaps it will raise an item on the “to-do-list” of the new system to encourage the function?

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Indeed. A system like this should be sending the emails for us, not creating a load of work for humans to complete.