You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Won’t happen unless Northern Ireland rejoins the rest of the island. Unlike our own government, the EU like the idea of peace in the area.

Mine went down the tubes also but that was more to do with very poor clinical governance at the parent company in germany and the British side were ready to pull out anyway as they didn’t trust the German parent company. They lot a lot of British trade from the insurance companies when we left.

If Sein Fein/IRA gain control in the south there will be an awful lot of people using the CTA to get out and the same in the north if SF/IRA get control. The shredders will be working overtime.

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Absolute BS.

Sure, SF aren’t the most popular in Ireland, but they’re the most popular party in NI and NI now has a majority Catholic population.

Somehow, they’ve managed to put their days of being linked to the IRA behind them politically.

Anyhow, probably best we end this conversation here politely. I have very strong feelings in this area.


Even then I doubt it would end, too many Irish citizens of all denominations living in the UK and taking it away from loyalists in NI wouldn’t exactly endear unification to them.

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Maybe it is, rather part as friends. I too have strong feelings in this.

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Are you certain?

Radio 4’s More or Less program (which challenges numbers is the media) im pretty sure questioned that suggestion on the basis that Catholics are more likely to tick the box on a census/survey than protestants as Catholics tend to be more dedicated to their religion and thus “stick with it” while more protestants waiver and stay into atheism or simply have a much more casual attitude towards the church so less likely to identify strongly as religious to tick the box…

The conclusion was there is majority of Catholics in NI as a majority of those ticking the boxes have strong religious identity and in turn end up being Catholic

TLDR the majority of those who identify as religious in NI are Catholic but not necessarily the majority of the population

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Just driven to work in what must have been some of the heaviest rain I’ve encountered! Main A road that was about a foot deep in water in most places. Absolute madness. Where it wasn’t deep you could barely see because of the spray. And pretty dark because of the clouds, and still being 0700. Yet still there are people driving around with no lights on…


Armed forces day in 20°c. I wonder if a WBGT was used…

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Non-energetic activity :roll_eyes:

On non event days like AF Day, I’m glad my wing doesn’t do anything at all



Following this morning’s parkrun, I had a major hay fever attack. I’ve had mild hay fever for about 12 years, but this was something else. Hives all over the top half of my body, eyes so swollen that I genuinely couldn’t see. Luckily, it doesn’t seem to have affected my respiratory system. I take my parents to parkrun though and they were close to calling an ambulance.

I’ve now had 4x the daily dose of antihistamines and, 4 hours of being indoors, my eyes are still very swollen. The other systems have almost entirely disappeared though.

Maybe I won’t go for qualified FCI after all…

Mines been horrific this year. Almost covid like sulymptoms cough included plus streaming eyes. Even had to go to Drs about it and been prescribed an inhaler aswell anti hystermine medley

Until today, mine’s really behaved itself. Occasional symptom, but small and not long lasting (ooh matron). That’s what makes it so frustrating.

To be fair, I’ve not had Covid at all so far, so I’ve nothing to compare it against in that respect.

I’m meant to be camping the week after next though, so will be packing enough hayfever drugs to make Amsterdam look straigh-edge.

The beconaise nose spray stuff is your best friend

I’ve had a really bad year and have had to get an inhaler prescribed to help relieve symptoms as it’s affecting my breathing this year rather than eyes.

Thankfully I seem to be over the worst of it now.

I’ve never experienced hay fever until this year.

Is locally-produced honey supposed to build up your resistance to the local mix of pollens, or is that an old wives’ tale?

It’s an old wives tale that people still use to sell local honey. It was once believed that by consuming local honey then you would consume local pollen and therefore build resistance, but there’s no evidence for it.

Trials have been done and it showed no reduction in hay fever symptoms.

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A 4hr+ drive home after two days of PSRC courses. Cheers M25, you truly are the worst of roads.

Just bought a new TV from Amazon, in the 2 days since the price has dropped by £60.

Can they refund the difference? Nope

Can they cancel the order which isn’t due until Tuesday? Nope

Amazon’s solution, refuse delivery they will take it back and refund me, then I can reorder at which point they will in all likelihood bring me back the same TV I refused the first time but for £60 less