You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Better to receive twice than not at all.
There is always the delete button for one of them.

Perhaps, but even better to just make it easy to send emails to who you need to send them to!

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How is the eurostar to Amsterdam cheaper than my 1hr train commute into London?

Massive subsidies plus they are only going point to point by one company unlike the UK which has to serve local commuter traffic as well as long distance travel.

Eurostar nearly went bankrupt during covid and asked the UK to bail the company out. They were to to go forth and multiply so SNCF had to step in, the French government were not too keen either.

Because successive governments have screwed over our rail infrastructure whilst allowing big corporations to skim off the profit without putting in the necessary investment.


Foreign, state-owned companies, you mean?


Yup. So our nice expensive train tickets are subsidising the French state run railways. :rage:

Because UK trains are an essential service that’s run like a non-essential private business.

Eurostar is largely state-owned and treated more like an essential service.

It’s something this country struggles with; some things aren’t meant to be private enterprises, they’re meant to be essential services.

It does make me laugh that Eurostar is cheaper though. It’s my transport method of choice to/from Belgium for Dodentocht. Last time I took First Class back and the round-trip was still cheaper than flights for me too. Although the Veterans Railcard did help with the cost of the UK trains.


ACF putting the air back into Army Cadets!


Honestly takes the mick that they can and we can’t. Make it make sense…


To be fair intentional parachuting is more their remit than ours.

Has the RAF handed over Parachute School then?


Parachuting constitutes ‘aviation’ - why on earth would we want to do that ! :joy:

Fixed that.

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Excellent fix !! :+1:

Cos it’s more fun than just flying around?

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You are not wrong.

And to be fair, having worked military aviation… I wouldn’t fly in the damn things.

I wouldn’t leap out of one trusting only to paracord & nylon…
What if the packer was having a bad day !!

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This is why you learn to pack your own fairly quickly…

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Seems like sound advice, but I can’t help but come back to this even in that scenario:

Or what if the packer was feeling particularly lazy or tired that morning?