You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Noooo… double sausage and egg McMuffin all the way

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Fixed that for you


You’ve had me there

I can’t eat the buns and don’t like egg, so I end up ordering a sausage and egg McMuffin with neither of those things but an extra patty.

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One of my Cadets is Gluten Free, we stopped at McDonalds and they ordered a bread free bun, it came served in the pancake tray :rofl:

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I feel similarly.

McDonald’s etc al is a rare treat or cba moment for me, but a brekkie wraps was a cert if the time was right.

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GMG: Trains.

That is all.


Ironic laughter today. Mini Baldrick has covid. Noone else in the house does, but seeing as we can’t really leave him alone, we’re stuck at home anyway.

He’s taking it pretty well, considering he has no idea why he feels like crap.

GMG. The obsession with ridiculous tendering processes. Somebody decided our software supplier isn’t offering best VFM anymore, or, more likely, we need to save some money.

So last year we had a string of meetings and workshops to build a specification document to go out to tender for a replacement system (3 days each involving 5 people).

5 expressions of interest, 4 of which presented plans (2 x half days with 5 people involved) and were invited to tender. 2 withdrew.

So we moved to evaluation of the 2 remaining options. The bid from our existing supplier is leagues ahead of the other bidder - and it’s clear for the first trawl of the bids that is the case. However, for transparency, were bound by an uber complicated evaluation process which takes 5 people 1 day per bid. (Thankfully there are only 2 bids!!!)

Outcome, we have burned a lot of time, money, energy and willpower to recommission our existing supplier at exactly the same rate for exactly the same product.

Oh. And Commissioning, in their infinite wisdom, are only doing 3 year tenders at the moment because of “instability in the marketplace”. So we’ve got the same pain all over in 3 years time!!!

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Foxes getting into the food waste bin and spreading it all over the front yard. We’re on bin two of 2022 and waiting for number three to arrive as the refuse collection agents like to chuck them onto the pavement from the middle of the road, breaking the locking mechanism. I’m sure the excess plastic use from the constant damage more than cancels out any environmental savings from not sending food waste to landfill

Recent MML/GMG report about this very subject:

I had an amazing conversation with a Councillor just before Christmas. He was bleating about kids hanging around in bus stops, antisocial behaviour, being disruptive and intimidating. I agreed to visit and check the issues out.

Said “Troublesome group of layabouts and scallywags” were pretty standard teenagers. Two were current Army cadets, one of the others is in SJA. There were ex-Scouts (who left at 13 because they out grew it), ex-Guides (similar story). Most attended either the local football or rugby club 1 night a week. All attend College during the day (albeit, 3 days a week). Most worked part time on their days off. Leaving their evenings as their only time for socialising - but they are too young to go to the one pub in the village. So they hang around in bus stops.

Their biggest gripe was with the Councillors themselves, who voted to close the youth service hub they had - meaning they now have nowhere to go in the evenings, so congregate at the bus stops because it’s sheltered and marginally warmer. “Afterall,” said one, “it’s not like we have any buses after 6pm - so it’s not like it’s being used for transport”.

I asked the Councillor to come and meet themself. He declined the offer.


Ahh the assumption that someone doing nothing is up to something!

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The amount of tine wasted with 101 calls about ASB which is nothing of the sort.

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Who had the patience to sit on a 101 call for something that trivial?

You mean you actually got through?


Many many people with absolutely nothing better to do with their tine.

It then gets S Graded as “ASB is a priority” and I have to run around trying to find a unit to deal with it.

6 Nations on ITV. When will commercial channels understand how to put sport on and get people who have a scooby commentating. It’s not football for christ’s sake, although watching some rugby matches with the amount of kicking you could be mistaken.


I should be home by now. Instead I’m about 100 miles away.

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The joys of living with women.

I cleaned a similar amount out last week

I live with 2 women, one who is going through chemo… And its no where near that bad

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