You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

That’s a bit extreme isnt it?

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I had a university housemate who was too vain to wear glasses, so his depth perception was awful, He was forever slamming glasses down on tables because he misjudged the distance. I always used to respond with a snarky “careful.” He never, ever got it.

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Mandated if your renting

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They were here from day dot… I quite like to change them for nice pine or white ones but too expensive atm

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I think my house had to have them put in when we got some work done years back. Most of them broke.

I’m in the process of buying and the survey has recommended having them fitted to the bedrooms.

probably link to this

Building regulations stipulate that fire doors are required in the following key areas for domestic properties:

  • A 2 storey house which has a door leading from an integral garage into the house
  • New build or renovated domestic properties which have 3 or more storeys (including loft conversions) must have fire doors to every habitable room off the stairwell.


i suspect the “recommendation” rather than requirement is because you have 2 storeys

I had solid oak doors put in last December. Very expensive but very lovely, especially when they were oiled.

That’ll be it actually, we had a real room put in in the attic.

GMG - Looking for what error codes mean on an old 3D printer, and all the online help says to look at the CD that came with it… It’s 10 years old and only god knows where that CD is now.

The CD’s probably in landfill next to the hard drive with £100m bitcoin :slight_smile: No chance of seeing either again!

So if you borrow a minibus you;
1.Refuel in your own time unpaid
2.Submit first claim in own time unpaid
3.Reclaim fromtreasurer in own time unpaid
4. Dont do any of the above and some who gets paid does it

It doesnt take a genius to work out why option 4 is the most popular. If the system was more user friendly then Option 1and 2 would be used more… simples

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If you’re just borrowing a vehicle from MT then sure. But when it’s going back to a hire company afterwards they do charge extortionate amounts for top-ups. If you’ve already gone though the trouble of getting a pheonix vehicle then it’s actually little extra effort to top it up before you hand it back…

Funnily enough I actually just found it! Dug out the old laptop we used to use to connect and pulled out the CD drive and it was in there!!!

Now I’m having issues with old material as it’s not all been stored in air tight container :roll_eyes:


First post and it’s a moan.
You will fit in well here!


Out of curiosity… who gets paid to do all that?

Uniformed staff only get VA. Thats not pay. It’s a contribution towards costs and an allowance.

The perms dont pick up busses for us, this isnt the ACF!

The Corps moves to eliminate SOVs is just going to slowly but surely lead to a shrinking in external Sqn activity. Either through costs of white fleet or people not willing to do as you’ve illustrated.

But, this removes the risks of external activity and travel risks so am sure HQAC see it as a win win.

Have heard for our 85th anniversary we will be rebranded the


Royal Sim Effort Online Remote Training Opportunity Cadets



on the few occasions i have used the system, i either had the vehicle picked up my my home, so was a case of swinging by the fuel station on my way home to top up, or was dropped off at WHQ, and so likewise filled on my way back.
as that was part of the “days activity” and i didn’t “clock off” until the engine stopped for the final time i disagree with point 1

with reference point 2 this is the case if using a personal vehicle as well, so not specific to minibus use. as as @JoeBloggs indicates, hardly a big effort in the grand scheme of things and far easier and quicker to do on a F1771 than writing the AO or JIs.

as for item 3 - “own time” - well yes, but how long does it take to write

"Dear Treasurer, as discussed previously, the fuel required for my day trip visit to Cosford Museum has been claimed and should be in the Sqn account, please can you arrange for funds to be transferred to me?

with thanks…"

item 4 - wishful thinking.
if you want to be reimbursed that is up to you, no one in any organisation is going to go out of there way to make sure you get what you are entitled to

also welcome to the forum - sorry if my reply is blunt, i am just not sympathetic to your grief on this occasion


I hoped for a moment that you’d found the bitcoins :joy:

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A much more detailed description of what I was thinking, thanks :slightly_smiling_face: