You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Just a little bit on guidance when taking down a slightly different route always put in the description comments on route

E.g. home to cranwell via A47 (temp traffic works) so it’s clear & rationale is there in advance.

Makes it easier for the assessor to accept especially if the difference is within 10%

Maybe they are just wishing you well and don’t want anything in return?

Chance’d be a fine thing!

If you’re thinking of Kiddlington, weekday AEF maybe a problem with all the training air traffic in the circuit.

was ironically thinking of Brize…

3 posts were split to a new topic: The Beginning of the End - The Capitulation of SW Region

GMG. A first world problem, but the ride on mower has broken.

Nothing to substantial - just the plastic discharge shute exploded into a million pieces. As a consequence, anything sliced and diced by the whirring blades of death is now catapulted randomly ANYWHERE - rather than in a more predictable (and safer) direction via the shute.

Not to bad for mowing the field admittedly. But for road side mowing and verges it’s a little bit riskier!!

Cost of replacement cover??? £120!!!

I’m now considering finding the million pieces and sikaflexing/epoxy/gorilla taping them back together!!

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Know anybody with a 3D printer?

Getting something 3D printed is the easy bit. Designing a working model to print is the hard bit :wink:

That was my first thought. However, having read some reviews, 3D printer farm stuff doesn’t seem to last very long!!

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Fold the part from sheet metal, but it would make a bit of a secondary projectile if it went bang!

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This is on my list to do list for next weekend! Anything spanning this section risks becoming a projectile - but i’m seriously considering fabricating something from metal and accepting that risk!

How about fibreglass? To be strong enough for your purpose, it might be too heavy but would avoid the metal shrapnel risk.

[Shudder] I hate (with a passion!) working fibreglass and avoid it wherever possible!

I’ve got some sheet steel off cuts - definitely long enough to bridge the gap, and wrap over the top to secure it in place. I think the biggest risk with steel is the whole thing coming off and becoming a single piece of shrapnel; the plastic just fragged with millions of bit of shrapnel.

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Careful talking about this on a cadet forum, you might set off some of the health and safety lot. I tried to do a leadership exercise, with one activity using a lit match. Apparently this is too dangerous, even though a) it’s from the actual blue leadership booklet of tasks, and b) the entire point of the task is to stay away from the lit match.

Sounds like the time my candelabra was confiscated at Nijmegen because the unlit candles were a “fire hazard”…

Forgot about this.

12 years ago.


Took wayyyy too long for the ******** to be voted out!

This threads still going strong.

Many a ground gear I see.


Github and terminal…that is all

GMG. Just seen the news that a bunch of EDL racist nut jobs have started a small riot outside the mosque in Southport.

Bunch of scum who call them selves patriotic attacking a religious centre based on a false accusation that the attacker was Muslim. A horrific incident that is now sadly leading to more open racism.

Clearly a bunch of people with nothing better to do than go and start some nonsense violence.

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I read somewhere that he was actually born in Cardiff…