The Beginning of the End - The Capitulation of SW Region

South West Regional Commandant has just stopped all off squadron activity for August. You know, that busy month when kids aren’t at school so we do and plan things.

This is an absolute joke.


Embarrassment of a region.


Can’t really say anything that hasn’t already been said or at least thought but didn’t want to read and not acknowledge it either. I just feel desperately sad for everyone in SW Region who have just had their plans completely wiped out.
I’ve known Cadets in the Summer Holidays with the only thing to look forward to, the Sqn trip to whatever, the DofE Exped, whatever that might be and they’ve just taken that away from them and Sqns now have to pass that down to their Cadets this week and the potential fall out from that, well, sending supportive thoughts to CFAVs at Sqns having to deal with this.


What about already planned activities?

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I not suggesting the RAFAC is a summer club, far from it - but it is our best chance to get out and do things as it is the summer as 1 the weather is typically better and 2 - kids are off school so we are not restricted to the weekends

it makes me wonder what those who sit behind desks want the organisation to be - we don’t fly as much as our closest competition, and now we’re not allowed to do anything in a whole region during our best month to be active?

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Gone. All off squadron activity will be cancelled.

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So we can’t do car parking to raise funds, and those funds that have been committed to activities are now also lost…


Don’t need money if you can’t spend it



They’re also going to be saving a lot of money, no VA or travel for a month…

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Does this also mean their SATT won’t be running courses?

To me this isn’t a Region failing, this is HQ failing to plan for this situation and manage it effectively. Ultimately the whole Region mentality of it being up to the RC is flawed and actually helps highlight how TK hasn’t supported or managed the RCs properly to avoid this type of thing happening.

Imagine if all the RHQ functions were actually HQ Desk functions and there was no RHQ.


I assume this also includes things like flying & gliding & DofE expeds etc

It’s almost as if SW Region committee didn’t return their Form 60 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Nope flying, gliding and national camps are still on :man_facepalming:

I’m a bit surprised that nobody has been on VOP yet with a “WTF is going on?”

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whats the justification for this?

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I think it’s no staff, not able to recruit, not able get through a back log of tasks & no clear way to fix things.

Christmas would have been the better time unless the wheels have seriously fallen off.

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permanent staff I assume?

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Well, my answer is simple:

I’m done. I’m out. I’m joining the SCC.


This is a colossal HQ mess up here.

Let’s be honest, no other region is exactly peachy, but none of the others are failing this hard. Why have perm staff not been reallocated to stop this from happening? Loads are working remotely now anyway, so reallocation isn’t nearly as hard as it used to be.

We’re in a position where a 6th of the organisation can now do nothing. That is mad.


It mights not be all activities. It might be just “new” activities and stuff in the system is acceptable to go ahead…


See here: