You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

I mean, those are TV shows. Just because you and I don’t watch them doesn’t mean other people don’t.


Agree. I can’t stand those shows but for thousands, if not millions of people in the population these people are a large part of their entertainment

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Gmg. Found out today that one of the best guys i managed whilst at Tesco has been murdered by what sounds like a 16 year old boy… Such a waste :frowning:

Sorry to hear that.

What a tragic waste.


Djokovic’s arrogance that he is above a country’s rules. I think the Aussies should tip him. If they let him in, they won’t do themselves any favours.

Just wondering what they’re trying to distract us from by leaking news of this BYOB garden party

If the govt have leaked that themselves, they’re even stupider than I give them credit for.

Some disgruntled ex-staffer has been hoarding all this stuff for ages waiting for the best time to dump it.

Doing it slowly is genius as well, had it all been dumped at once the outrage bus would have run out of steam far quicker. (another reason why it’s almost certainly not the govt leaking it itself.)


Agreed, although they have to be careful not to do it too slowly, as the public at large can get fatigued if things are dragged out too long and would risk getting to the point where few people care about the story anymore

I would bet money that they are probably friends with one Dominic Cummings


That man has no friends. Only interests.


ftfy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m getting fed up with things like lockdown gatherings being “leaked” that would have been well known about at the time, given how much public figures love a bit of thumb waggling and photo taking and ensuring it’s all over SM. IMO it happened, nothing was said at the time, endex. I know this isn’t how it’s works, but this is getting boring now, when there are much more important things to worry about. I wouldn’t have cared at the time and even less now. I know of a number who broke the rules in our village during the first and subsequent lockdowns, with ‘gatherings’. We kept to the rules and that was fine, what anyone else did was their business. No one seemed to get excited about then in an official way, I’m pretty sure we’d have heard about it if they did.
Currently the opposition want the PM to resign as they know he has a personality and charisma, and a bit of the naughty boy about him that has an appeal, everyone likes a rogue. The opposition as a collective cannot even get close to. Not that you should ever vote on the basis of who the party leader is, but I don’t think you could ever accuse the PM of being “grey” or someone who would disappear in an empty room, like a number of senior politicians.

Incoming removal of all L144 WHTs… :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Incoming removal of all L144 WHTs… :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

What now?

The drills are changing therefore everyone will need retraining and a new WHT. That’s the TL;DR.

@dazizian Any news on this? Only hearing via the rumour mill at the moment!

The drills have all just changed on the AR and no cancellation of WHTs occurred. Just meant everyone had to be tested and trained on the new drills. It was handled fine in that case.

Afraid I know no detail, only rumour… Just head that they will get cancelled and retaining will be needed!

Yes indeed. News post / SBN: Sign in to your account


Awesome thanks! On it as always I see :sweat_smile:

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