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Introducing the youngest two to a Christmas classic


The darts

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Need a blanket and flat cap for xmas?

I have both…

The darts make it Christmas though right.

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Saw this and thought of you lot !

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I have that. :joy::joy:

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I really like this the Star Trek nerd in me is annoyed that the year for the USS Enterprise is 2265 when it was launched in the 2240’s (2245 according the Star Trek Wiki) and just eliminates Robert April and Christopher Pike’s tenure as Captain of the Enterprise as 2260’s is TOS.

However if you take it to mean the average date of the ship then it’s pretty close as it was launched in 2245 and destoryed in 2281.

The rest is all very cool though.


If it’s NX-01, then the launch date should be represented as 2151 anyhow.

It is very much the outline of a Consitution Class Starship so (as Scotty once said) NCC-1701 no bloody A, B, C or D, thank you very much.

I would however take once of these for the Enterprises across the timeline (Though not sure what you would do about the G due to the whole launch date vs rename date (I’m still salty about that choice) but if we had Entertprises NX-01 through to Ent G with dates I would buy that up so quickly.

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The idea of Kirk’s Enterprise being a 20 year-old wreck at the start of TOS troubles me. No one started referring to her as old until the Excelsior came along in the second film.

That’s the beauty of Starfleet ships. They aren’t really old until they start reaching 30 or 40 years and that’s without the refit Kirk’s Enterprise obviously got before the start of his 5 year mission. The Consitution Class was aging by the 2380’s but onces that hadn’t taken the beating an the Enterprise had were still sticking around pretty strongly.
The fact is that till the Excelsior rolled around she wasn’t old, she wasn’t the hottest ship off the press but Starfleet weren’t really making that many especially in the 2250’s as they recovered from the Klingon War and almost complete Destruciton of Section 31 (and losing 4 full Admirals with it) in the late 2240’s.

The Miranda Class for example was used all the way from the 2260’s until the 2370’s and an often feature of Dominion War Battle lines and were also present at the battle of Sector 001. The fact most Enterprises on average last 12 years (and less if we discount the first 1701 as it lasted for so much longer) is an incredibly short lifespan for a Starship in the Federation.

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I’m watching the opening scenes of the original Blade Runner movie and thinking “oh 1980s, you had such high hopes for how technologically advanced we would be by now” (well, by 4 years ago…)


I find a similar feeling whenever I watch Back to the Future 2 or just read any Sci-Fi from the 70’s or 80’s. It’s the far off year of 2015 and all that. Always funny to see just how far from what people thought we would have by now.


She’s asleep in her basket, but she’s my excuse for watching it :rofl:


Tell that to the present day USAF B52, KC 135/RC 135 crews. And the B52s are being re-engined to last up to 100 years old.

I will say that Starfleet is happy to use it’s backbone and workhorse classes for 100+ years. Their shiny exploratory science ships that have neither the capacity or the sensors of the newer classes and don’t really bring much but slower engines are phased out quicker than some of the other classes.

We certainly aren’t still using fighters from 100 years ago but there are some designs that are good enough to keep around for that long and Starfleet makes it’s choices the same as we make ours now.

Candy Cane Lane (new Eddie Murphy Christmas movie)

Yeah, don’t bother…

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Top Gun, a true Christmas classic :rofl:


We watched Rocky 4, rocky v drago fight takes place on 25th December so it’s as much a Christmas movie as die Hard :rofl:

Star Trek Prodigy has hit Netflix today so it seems like time for a rewatch to me.