What are you watching?

The enterprise theme song was great!

Until they changed the tempo in later seasons. Then it was garbage.

My favourite star trek show is definitely DS9. But I have been absolutely loving Strange New Worlds. It’s brilliant. The first season was a bit off at the start in terms of the dialogue, but season two was great.


I think we can all agree that the best Star Trek series is The Orville.

I’m yet to try Strange New Worlds (where’s it available?) but did very much enjoy Picard, particularly S3.


I’m pretty new to Star Trek so I’ve seen all the new stuff. [Disco, LD, SNW, Prodigy, Picard] (Actually didn’t mind Discovery though that may be due to a different perspective). And started rewatching at Enterprise (I thought Chronological was smart lol) but now I’m onto TNG anyway so it’s back to release order anyway.

I loved the Season 1 and 2 Enterprise theme but didn’t like the remix. However I am really looking forward to getting to DS9 and the Dominion war arc.

By the way all new trek other than Prodigy can be found only on Paramount Plus in the UK. Prodigy Season 1 will be on Netflix later this year and Season 2 on Netflix sometime in 2024.

So yeah I would recommend you start at The Next Generation but if you can’t stand the early episodes you could probably skip to Season 3 without issue. Then once you eventually go through TNG go to Voyager then DS9. Both Release and Chronological the later TNG seasons released between Voy and DS9 but you can probably be fine ignoring that. And you get some movies to go along with it if you feel like it to.

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I completely get what people liked about s3, but I actually preferred s2. I guess I’m just more nostalgic about ST4: The Journey Home than I am about TNG. The thing I didn’t like about Picard was the treatment of the Borg, which I guess is another problem I have with s3.

DS9 comes before Voyager, you need to watch DS9 to understand why Voyager was on its original mission. But after a few seasons, they were released concurrently.

It;s only on ParamountPlus, my sister bought a subscriotuion and my whole family are rinsing it.

Also, the greatest Star Trek series is Lower Decks. “end of”

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And the streaming services wonder why piracy is on the rise again…

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I get paramount plus free with my Sky subscription.

DS9 is definitely the best, but for a new joiner I would start with TNG, it’s not aged as well but it introduces quite a few concepts from DS9.

Oh no did I get the timeline in the wrong order again. I always mix up DS9 and Voy. Glad we don’t have any overlapping ones like that apart from LD (Best Star Trek series) and Prodigy who probably won’t interact. Alpha and Beta Quadrants vs Delta and all that.

If you aren’t a kid or teen then TNG is a great into. If you are a kid or teen however Prodigy works quite well and you can follow on with Disco seasons 1 and 2 (as set up for) then watching SNW.

If you want to be really brave watch in episode production order so at times you will have a DS9 episode follow a TNG & a voyager one follow a DS9 episode. You can kinda do this for TNG & DS9 but once you got DS9 season 4 you’re just going to be focused on that.

There a variety of episode guides out there for Star Trek but in general

TNG skip code of honour, shades of grey & the royale.
Do Not skip “Q who” & for proper effect leave a good month between watching the end of season 3 & start of season 4.

DS9 - erm….yeah you’re watching all of it & you will be bingeing it by the end.

Voy - skip threshold unless you have had a good couple of strong drinks purely so you get the references in other trek media…

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If it’s your first time watching, I would good if you could post your season opinion as you finish each one. I would be interested to hear a fresh review :grin:.

Some of the Bajoran episodes can get a little bit dull and that weird one where they are inside the board game is a hard skip.


“Allamaraine, count to four, allamaraine, then three more…”

Yeah that is a skip on rewatch.

But I quite like the bajorian ones particularly as the add the overall theme crossing through the series.

Oh & August 2024 is when we have the Bell riots.

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But. If you haven’t seen it at least once, the Lower Decks references to it being silly make no sense.

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I might look into Production order as I don’t think I’m too into TNG to have messed that up yet.

Already too far in TNG to really skip most of them I think. DS9 will be a full.

If I remember Threshold right I couldn’t possibly skip it.

Spoiler if memory servers

Afterall how else would I get to see Janeway leave behind her Lizard babies after one of the weirder Star Trek transformations. The LD references to it have been perfect though.

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All… all of those ones get skipped.

Also tbh, a few of the Sisko set piece ones also now.
Man cant act.

Can someone set up a Teams session, and we can do a TNG episode watch!

Best of Both Worlds, anyone?


If it’s a double feature would suggest DS9 improbable cause/The die is cast…. :grin:

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Not so much “watching” as “will be watching”. Every episode of Doctor Who just went live on iPlayer. Plus a whole load of support material and spinoffs. Bliss.

Yes. I just realised that. Sorry Star Trek you’re taking a back seat.

On a completely unrelated note, and purely for academic interest, does anyone know of a way you can download from iPlayer and then save to an external harddrive so it doesn’t get auto deleted?