What are you listening to....?

Lara Croft is almost old enough to legally own a self-made air cadet.

Basket Case is 30 this year.

That’s not that bad when you factor in that she’s 28. She’s older than Toy Story.

Now… Interview with a Vampire, Ace Ventura, Cotton Eye Joe, Girls and Boys, Buddy Holly, Stay Another Day, Pulp Fiction, Never Ending Story 3 (THREE!)…

I miss Rebel Active Popper Trousers and My Whatta Mouse CD.

It’s the clear, inflatable furniture for me. As well as my cassette of The Cartoons - Witchdoctor (ooh eeh ooh ah ahh, ting tang, walla walla bing bang).

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Jelly Shoes > Heelies

4 beautiful women producing an epic Symphonic Metal cover of one of the best Power Ballads out there.

What’s not to like?

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Disturbed, the Sound of Silence…


One of my all time favourite songs. If it comes on in the car it gets turned up to max!

Also, for anyone who plays or played CS:GO, this is great:


There are very, very few songs where I can remember exactly where I was when I first heard them.

The song that introduced me to Disturbed was “Voices” - I was in the back of a minivan on I-95 in Florida in August 2001 (yes, it was a good job we didn’t travel a month later).

The song came on the local radio station, immediately after an advert for a club that had girls in cages. Which very much confused 13 year old me as to why that happened, and why my dad and his friend were so keen on the idea.

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Too much pooing on something you clearly like in my first draft - you should be allowed to like it without being subjected to me giving too much detail about why I don’t!

Band seems great, quick look shows they’re obviously accomplished performers. I just can’t get into that song or arrangement.

Buuuut being reminded of the line “falling in love / falling apart” did prompt The Medic Droid - Fer Sure to play in my head. That’s certainly been a while!

I can’t find a good clean version to link to directly and it hits hard early with swearing, references to drug use, MySpace, and graphic descriptions of biological acts, so you can find it here if you’re curious.

I don’t recall the first time I heard it, but I certainly recall when I fell in love. Download 2016. It was insane. Out in the rain, we were pretty close to the front. The atmosphere was just incredible.

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The standout songs that spring easily to mind where I know when I was introduced:

Space Dye Vest - Dream Theater. Found it randomly in my MSN Messenger downloads file, told a friend who admitted they probably sent it to me. Told them it was “weird, but cool”.

Change of Seasons - Dream Theater. On a coach via that friend’s knock-off iPod, en route to Germany. Only 2 songs in and I bought a live album (on CD from a shop!) during that trip.

Greatest Show On Earth - Nightwish. In my car, Sainsbury’s car park, during a workday lunch break. Watched because I found people online claiming that Change of Seasons isn’t all that and Nightwish did it better. Wasn’t that impressed. Completely forgot until about the 4th time I listened to it years later having become a Nightwish fan and the memory hit me.

When a Blind Man Cries - Metallica (cover). First album I’d bought outright for years. Became giddy at the solo section and cackled with excitement, replaying that section multiple times. Was already familiar with the original and had been a DP fan for about 10 years already.

Yes, I know what I did.

I found this by accident, it coming onto Spotify immediately after their Wacken 2013 playlist had finished. Had no idea just how long it was, nor how quickly those 21 minutes would pass!

Pulled into Tamworth Services en route to a client and just sat in the car listening to it all the way through.

There is something very spiritual about that song.

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Trying hard to not turn the volume up, while the kids are trying to sleep upstairs…

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Listening to this tonight.

RiP Dario G

Just discovered the mashup geniuses that are Pomplamoose. And I’m addicted.

The Rest Is Politics

Started listening during the election and semi addicted now, was mainly looking for something other than music to listen to on the commute.

Any other podcast recommendations?

Off Menu Podcast, my favourite :heart:

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We have ways.

Proper quality WW2 knowledge explosion!