What are you listening to....?

In a glimpse back to my teenage years, DragonForce have a new single!

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A recent discovery that has proven to be an ear worm is Kami Kehoe.

Content warning that she’s a fan of the f-bomb and a note that the rest of her stuff crosses and blends a lot of different genres, but here’s the pop-punk-esque track that I found first:

I’ve been trawling my purchased iTunes library for old classics and club bangers to make a “spinning playlist” as I blow the dust off the Peloton and decide to get fit… (I don’t have Spotify, I think I have Amazon music, but no idea how it works, so sticking to my purchased iTunes library!)

So I’m listening to the stuff from when I was last at my target weight, and remembering how much fun ministry of sound was back in the early 2000s.

But, my corded headphones keep getting in the way. I’ve been told air pods are the way to go; is this advice good, or is there a better alternative?

If you have an iPhone, probably. Not sure anything has happened yet to stop Apple from deliberately making the experience worse for non-Apple accessories.

Scroll a little further up this thread, @JoeBloggs asked the same question only a couple of weeks ago and there’s some good examples shown up there.

Celebrating the masterpiece that is Dookie turning 30

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Nah, it’s only about 10 years max. Please…

Something from the 80s that feels topical.

Just left a Vaccines gig. Blown away by their energy! Sooooo good.

You ever see a performance and just wish you’d been there?

@Horriblelittletechie - this song works wonders on my running playlist; might work well on your lifting one.

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My lifting playlist is quite… Eccentric.

Most of its hardstyle. But then I’ve got some death metal, been enjoying Kool-Aid by BMTH. But then I’ve also got Katy Perry, Rammstein, Lady Gaga. Had some K-Pop on there for a while. Just straight up vibing.

It’s a bit weird.

I went to the massage therapist earlier and she was playing some generic pop stuff, Mumford & Sons I think. Then she mentioned she’s a metalhead and we ended up rocking out so hard that she was late for her next client.

Why not both at the same time?

My music taste hasnt changed in 20 years, just dont wear skin tight jeans and have a fringe any more


I need to get this on a t-shirt

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Lucky you for only losing the fringe.


On a similar vein


I have some new AfterShokz arriving on Monday, so I’m building the long run playlist.

I’ve had my current car since September. We mainly use Android Auto for music and occasionally the radio. Today I was bored and hit the eject CD button. Turns out the car came with a free Killers Hot Fuss CD. Been about 10 years since I listened to that album. Very good to have blaring out whilst I go for a motorway drive for some alone time. Just having a drink at Fleet services before heading back. Have got Alkaline Trio lined up for the return


Just back from seeing the Zutons. They are definitely back and on amazing form!! Belted out tune after tune!!!


Phone on shuffle has taken me to Tenacious D - Rize of the Fenix