I’m clearly blind, sorry for missing that bit
I’ve no other suggestions then!
I’m clearly blind, sorry for missing that bit
I’ve no other suggestions then!
Same browser on both?
What happens if you use Chrome on the iPad, go to the menu and select “Desktop View”, then try to go to VP?
At the bottom of the Return to home page it should show which account its trying to use.
If its the correct account, contact your Bader PoC
Been using Chrome all the time, had no effect.
Yep, all the correct details. All works perfectly well on laptop and phone, but iPad is having none of it. Very odd.
Got to check out the VP looks familiar which is good, and easy to navigate. Thus far great effort and looks like it will make OCs/Adj task easier so mire time spent with the cadets and less on computer so thznk you
Had a look last night. Looks great. Only one little bug I’ve identified. Fire and RFI training is saying outstanding when it’s completed and in date including the 2021 modules.
Will report with help desk when I have the opportunity to
The data for mandatory training updates every Monday.
Does it show correctly on your sms record?
I’d raise as feedback within VP directly
Yep and will Have a look on Monday and see what changes.
Am I correct in saying that…
Not unless they were already registered on SMS. Most aren’t, thus step 1 of the new DBS thing is to get them to register though JOIN. As for the other points, I’m not sure on what they’ll have access .
Civcom who are registered on SMS will have a RAFAC Personal Account, but no M365 (just like cadets)
This account can be used to login to VP, once released it will also be used for Bader Learn
What is the expectation on us doing admin away from the sqn, on non cadet nights?
Will the permanent staffing expect us to do “normal” working hours, ignoring that we will be doing our real jobs?
Where exactly has the “admin” gone?
It’s “gone” (or, going) in that it’s changing from a form which takes several minutes to print, fill out, put in an envelope, take to wing, wait, chase, wait, chase, and finally get a response to a button which takes < 10 seconds to click.
So previously hard copy wet signed forms would be needed, that had to be started by the volunteer, printed and signed, then presented to the Sqn OC, which is really only possible when at the Sqn due to the need of a Wet Signature, some forms may then need OC Wg to sign, so needs to be posted to WHQ and then held for a visit from OC Wg to sign, before it could be posted to HQ to sit on the pile to be processed by them. In this system there was no tracking of where the form was once the volunteer at the start hands it to the OC Sqn.
New system, process is started by the same volunteer within VP when ever they choose , and will then automatically appear to be approved by the next person in the process, at a time of their choosing and so on. Each level can be seen by the originator and the time for each stage can be reported on at a high level.
This means it’ll be easy for the Comdt to see that Transfer Requests take on Average 180 days to be completed, and that on average the volunteer approval is completed in 14 days, and the remaining 166 days are it sitting at HQ.
I welcome this.
Just had a form sent from HQAC, to region, to me to complete, where I now have to send to RHQ, who will see it (not even needing to sign or stamp it) and send to HQAC.
That’s the cost of postage, time.
All this for a mileage form, I submitted 2 months ago.
All it really needs is an email notification of something waiting for me to action in VP. I click accept or what ever it is, and Bobs your uncle…
@james_elliott and team,
VP is looking great. Easy to navigate and feels very familiar with it being so similar to the new SMS! The search function in the forms bit is awesome, much better than Sharepoint.
Really good to see this positive change, and thought I’d just share some positive thoughts
One thing though, can a link to ‘My Profile’ be put in the navigation bar? As easy as it generally is to navigate, it took me a minuet to find that button.
Raise an improvement ticket via VP!
The Attendance Registers table has some very weird default sort applied; 11 Feb 20, 30 Mar 17, 11 Feb 21 . . .
Edit: and the “My Event Attendance” table
Same with events, but it’s always been weird on SMS too, so didn’t think much of it.