Uniform Queries (RAFAC/CCF/ATC) (Includes Rank Slides)

And there’s me battling hard to make sure we follow all dress regs at the CCF, even in greens (though I dislike the CCF TRF, I’ve resisted the urge to get the subdued one)

I’m so proud.

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Why? They go on my Daysack and Bergen.

On my webbing I have my surname, blood group and no known alergies patches. If WOs have a problem with that, tough.

I imagine the blood group comes in handy on particularly hard range days when you graze a knee going into the prone position and you need a combat medic.


Ssssshhhhh. Don’t give HQAC ideas - they’ll be mandatory soon.

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Mayday mayday mayday we’ve experienced a catastrophic sense of humour failure.




To be honest, I thought it was pretty obvious it was a joke. I’m not an expert in shooting within the RAFAC and obviously it wouldn’t matter what blood group you are if you have a grazed knee #fatalwound.


Two bits from me before bed…

  1. No emergency department is going to trust a Zap patch on a CFAVs bergen which may or may not make it with them to the hospital. If someone is injured sufficiently to need blood they’re going to use O Neg until they cross-match.

  2. As a duly elected representative of the WO cadre I couldn’t care less about zap badges on bergens/daysacks/webbing and I think that most would agree. I have no doubt that one or two of my less-enlightened colleagues probably wouldn’t like it, but… you know… they don’t like lots of things, and nobody cares.



given Cdt Daisy Vincent turns up with a pink flowery backback to shooting, what is or isn’t on a more subdued “military” spec pack matters little - I am more emotional about the Cadets having the contents within the bag that the bag itself


Loving the left hand TRF patch being used for squadron badges.

I have witnessed 5 or 6.

What has happened to all uniformed staff getting the RAF TRF and he cadets getting the SNCO TRF and the green Cadet RAFAC badge getting binned??

As an officer I’d be perfectly happy to wear the SNCO trf. It looks great. Let the cadets wear it too, we are all the same organisation!

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Used to love doing Nijmegen in OG trousers and blue shirt.

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You mean the one that uses our old logo? It should be thrown into the fire where it belongs.


No thanks. Its gopping. :face_vomiting:
Give all the staff the RAF TRF.

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one word - cost

more words - someone realised it would cost money - money for badges (see PTS system) is short and there simply wasn’t enough to go around.

there was also talk (probably on here) that we were moving to a single RAFAC TRF but again money got in the way, if it was designed there is no money to order them…

but you say “happened to it getting binned” - is that still in place?
I thought it was in the book but not being enforced (for reasons above)

I think k pretty much every Squadron in my Wing has those.

Watch that space.

I know it was mentioned at WWO conf last year and the cost was the factor… I believe the lead suggestion is what you have mentioned… But may have changed.

Basically nothing happening imminently

I didn’t think this was allowed. Can we now wear them?

Combat logos. Their website has the option to choose what colour thread is used in the embroidery.

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