Tutors grounded?

They could have said it was due to running the engine at the stated max continuous power (so “in limits”) of 2700 rpm, but ah, we didn’t tell you that it should have been 2400 rpm.

Oh, the same figure of 2400 rpm that was suggested yonks ago, as all other Tutor operators used that figure as max continuous…? :man_facepalming:

Now I think that all the props have to be checked.

I’m glad Land Rover don’t take this approach with their oil leaks!!


Nope. Not here.

This is a Chinook in a nutshell…

If there isn’t a leak… The things out of oil. That’s a problem. Not the fact it’s leaking.


Odd, it shows it was sent to all-ocsqns, all-ocsections.ccf and allocwings. Must be something wrong with the distribution lists… Will PM you a screenshot of the list.

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Nor here

Not received here (oc CCF section) . Probably went to my pretty much obsolete role account.

If Tutors aren’t meant to leak, why do they have drip trays under them ? :thinking:


@Wizzle I think the system is broken.

Chinook is 10,000 parts, rotating around an oil leak, while waiting for metal fatigue to set in…

To be fair, Tornado was similar. When it stops leaking, fill it back up again…

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Not here either :joy:

I received it to the section OC email account, (which I’m still custodian of even though I’ve technically handed the role over)

Not this one.

Is it a case of if it’s leaking then you have oil, just no leak then no oil, land immediately.

Not to my OC or CCF account

As far as our wing AvO knows everyone is still flying next week. Not a single suggestion of an issue, anywhere in the chain of command

Could it just be the tutor display team and not the wider fleet?

No. The email I quoted above is a quote from AOC22 Gp (I think. It just says ‘the AOC’) stating they are grounded.

Well, good luck I guess?

Also I’ve just had a look and found a DASOR that I’m pretty sure is why they are grounded. And it sounds serious… This oil leak wasn’t someone finding a patch of oil on the ground, lets put it that way.

Was it one airframe or multiple?