Tutors grounded?

I think part of this might be narrative/context.

Offering 16 flying slots mid week when your customers are all at school and a large proportion of their accompanying staff will be at work is largely going to be a waste of resources.

I’m seeing more and more vocal posts from parents on Facebook about this issue. Fairly confident it’s not a local thing.

(For balance, our AEF is relatively good - but we do get a high number of midweek slots which we do need to turn down)

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Our nearest AEF only does weekday slots, there’s no cover at weekends. Beyond infuriating.

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We’ve had between 100 &150 since return from Covid and had three cadets fly in that time. I’ve actually removed the flying syllabus from our intro materials now.

Criteria for CCF might be different.

Could it be they [HQAC] are counting slots offered rather than slots filled.
Slots offered and later cancelled are slots offered and this still count.

When we see a pause or bad weather [winter] everyone gets issued more slots on the basis they’ll be canx but still count positively to numbers?

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This is a major problem but it’s an RAF infrastructure/manning* problem, and not something we can control. The days of the RAF having lots of 7 day a week airfields are sadly behind us.

*what’s the more up to date word for manning…?

In fairness, Woodvale hasn’t been 7 days a week since 1944…

And, it’s Resourcing.

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Official Vocab guidelines state…

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They may be counting slots offered. Having worked with the VGS’s in the past I know they report both figures - even now they get loads of no shows at the weekends (and not just odd cadets, while sqns don’t show!!).

Sounds like 5 AEF !

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Well, not for today - we were scheduled to commit aviation there, but the weather had other ideas. :woozy_face:

Latest on Twitter from ‘Tutor Display’ today:

Unfortunately, despite the hard work the Tutor Display Team and Babcock, as a result of a technical issue within the wider Tutor fleet, we will not be able to display tomorrow at the Cosford Air Show.

So now what’s up with the fleet :man_shrugging:t2:

Uh Oh GIFs | Tenor

They were all up only a week ago…

Parts of the wider fleet were over my house as recently as Friday…

Confirmed Tutor pause!

Following an incident involving an oil leak on 9 Jun, I have directed that Tutor flying operations are paused whilst we determine the cause of the incident. A panel of safety experts has been working tirelessly to understand the issue and seek resolution. I am confident we will be in a place to return to normal operations soon, but I cannot yet offer a timeline. However, air safety and the safety of our RAF Air Cadets is paramount, and I must assure myself that we understand the issue and mitigations are in place before we return to ‘ops normal’. Rest Assured, I remain committed to restoring Tutor to flying as soon as I possibly can and giving you the amazing air experience I too enjoyed as an Air Cadet.


RAFAC Influence team. Email sent to all OCs.

The AOC has asked that the following is shared with regards to Tutor Operations. This message is being disseminated by the RAFAC Influence Team to this distribution list at the request of Commandant Tony Keeling.

That’s the start of the email.