Tutors grounded?

My understanding is there’s issues with cadets using an aircraft that has an ejector seat, which I believe the Prefect has.

Fair enough.

Way too expensive for those kind of hours.

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All the pics I’ve seen, show normal “tutor-esque” seats, and aircrew wearing parachutes.

It was an option that the RAF did not exercise. Normal seats.

Oh, well then, that solves that problem! :sweat_smile:

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We’ve just had notification of the grounding as well. No details given.

Not a grounding. Its a pause.

Nothing too serious I hope !

Things looking hopeful.

The last time there was a pause on the glider fleet, that went well.

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They should be back in the air on Monday.

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And then grounded paused again by Wednesday?

1 allocation of AEF, likely to be our only slots for the next six months, fleet grounded.

Pick up some extra midweek slots as bonus, excellent! Fleet grounded days before again.

It’s not funny anymore.

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Makes no real difference. Still won’t be getting slots any time soon

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I don’t think we’ve had any AEF since before Covid.

It’s disgusting really. And makes me seriously doubt the truthfulness of CRAFAC when he talks about how many cadets go flying each year. Either he’s lying to us, he’s being lied to and believing it, someone is twisting the stats to breaking point and beyond or there is a real problem with sharing the slots between units


We had one slot last year. Cancelled for reasons. But cancelled units don’t seem to get priority.

I do feel this is somewhat the problem.

We’ve had 4 lots of 3 places in the last 6 months. Amazingly, only one was cancelled (this week).

Units with a lot of cadets get priority (fair enough) but I know some of the units are parading half the numbers they have on the books.