Tutors grounded?

Answer on PPRuNe to the question, “Have the Tutors been grounded again?”

Sadly, yes. Of some significance unfortunately.
I’ll let others elaborate.

With no gliding opportunities, it looks like we might be on the ground for some time!

We should have never got rid of the Chipmunk. :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:


The RAF still have two operational.

Used to train BBMF pilots on taildraggers before they move on to Spit or Hurri.

And the Lancaster and Dakota.

One of the Chipmunks WG 486 during the Cold War used to fly ‘air tours’ with BRIXMIS in West Berlin. A very interesting book as well as the other ones on BRIXMIS, remember all those fuzzy pictures in Recognition Journal, these are the people who provided some of them. To think the CRAFAC wants to stop air rec.


Anyone with an interest in the Cold War should certainly read BRIXMIS - The Last Cold War Mission by Steve Gibson. A good historical narrative mixed with a soldier’s eye view of the world.

Sorry for thread drift

Also BRIXMIS by Tong Geraghty plus there are some videos from BRIXMIS on you tube and the BRIXMIS association http://www.brixmis.co.uk/


I see a couple of Tutors out flying over Cosford! So they’re not all grounded?

Boscome Down have some out and about today aswell.

I’m of the understanding it was a “grounding until checks could be made”, so if they’ve pulled their finger out and got on it, then that’s good news for everyone.


Boscombe had them out yesterday too.

The Tutor fleet was unpaused last week….


Think they were released back to flying on Fri last week?


Yes correct, Tutors certainly flying at Benson on Friday. All good.

This was a good use of the word ‘pause’. Other uses of the word may not be quite as apposite.

just been told by our wavo that another issue has cropped up on the tutors, didn’t know what but no aef for another week at least - we were meant to go tomorrow, why does this always happen in half term when cadets and a lot of staff are off work?


Lots of Prefects up in the air! Wouldn’t it be nice if they could be used for AEF :slight_smile:

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Because it’s the only time they’re used </cynic>

I mean, surely 1 aircraft for all makes much more logistical/engineering/maintenance/crew training sense!

Not any more. The RAF doesn’t ‘use’ Tutors like that anymore, they’re not involved in EFT.

And, with the privatisation / bolleauxing up of flying training, the servicing is all contractorised so any logistic or servicing logic of a shared fleet has vanished.

Yeah, sorry, my point is that all of the RAF (RAFAC included) use prefects.