Tutors grounded?

That requires air rec to be in the syllabis…:rofl::rofl::joy:

You know what, at this point it doesn’t matter. We never get flying slots anyway so this doesn’t change anything for us.

OC’s briefing recently said a fracture in a wing rib was found. It’s definitely a “pause” rather than a grounding… So they say.

Last time I fractured a rib I was given a bag of paracetamol and ibuprofen and told “you’ll heel in good time”.

Guessing aircraft are different.


@Paracetamol hope you know we all expect you to fix them… No pressure :wink:


… im on my way…
Wait… rail strikes… damn it


Bloody hell.

I hate engineers…

Correct course of action should be to pull all AC with a similar flying hours off the program and examine with a UTI.

Make that UTI an STI at X-amount of flying hours.
All other AC no further action.

Unless your Chinooks… In which case absolutely slope off any and all problems until a blade lag dampener snaps on shut down with OC Odiham in the cockpit…

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Were the OCs next words ‘OC Eng your hat my office’?

No… Just a stupid amount of work for the heavies… but what happened behind closed doors… Who knows.

There went from being about 7 total lag damper failures world wide since day zero for Chinooks (so about 45 odd years) to a total of 15 in about 18months…

Essentially failure rate doubled. Absolutely mad.


Ahead of the game over here - my Trg Off is a qualified balloon pilot :joy::balloon:


Good luck getting that signed off.

How would you know its flying hours related and not fatigue related in which case sortie profiles come in to play. E.g. an aircraft flying 10hrs straight and level will not suffer same as an aircraft flying 10hrs of aerobatics?


Vikings are still serviceable :grinning:


There are sortie codes that are logged along side flying hours. Environment codes too. On a lot of our health and usage monitoring systems actually include a fatigue penalty calculator whereby if you do 5 hours of aerobatics and 5 hours of normal flying, it might log (for arguements sake) about 15hrs of fatigue rather than 10.

I’m massively oversimplifying it but saying yank similar flying hours.

Yup i second this…I’ve seen records with such codes as a method to record the “severity” of a flight

Me too. Doctor just said ‘ouch, that must hurt, take some painkillers’.

Helpful. Considering I fell on a slippery staircase at work I should have sued…

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Are the tutors actually grounded then? Got some flying slots for the week after next and would rather know sooner or later if we’re going to actually fly (though knowing our AEF there’ll be a 20% chance of rain so it’ll be binned anyway)

7AEF cancelled this weekend due to Tutor ‘unavailability’.

Got told the entire fleet was being looked at and no flying atm. By WAvO

Cheers. Will probably email our WAvO in the week to confirm👍