Tutors grounded?

Has some one been a naughty boy, girl or non gender specific person?

Not quite, mandatory (virtual) attendance at security brief for all potential escorting CFAV. Held in the middle of the day, during the working week. None of our staff were available.

Yeah. This happens. Not great, but that happens.

Our security training is every other week at 0800 on a Friday morning.

And because it’s every other week, it’s when we are on nights. So 0430 finish, 0800 meeting.

What is wrong with a written brief?
Talk about making things difficult.

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This BS about full-timers (or, more accurately, office hours-ers) not doing evenings really needs to end. Be it AEFs, RFCA or anyone else who just doesn’t think the consequences through.


Was that Boscombe Down?

In our Wing we are only being offered AEF slots mid week so CFAVs need to take a day off work and Cadets need a day absent from school. Totally untenable situation.



We asked the Q if it could be held outside of regular working times… or, if a CFAV who was already approved could deliver it…


It’s almost like they don’t want us on the base any more?

It’s always been thus. Dolly’s never considered shift workers, so expecting them to consider reservists and volunteers is ambitious to say the least.

It probably needs someone of the same rank (or higher) as the stn cdr to ask the question - & also ask why there is no flexibility?


Sounds like a question for VoP to me!

They do want cadets on base, but staff need to watch a h&s video as they are on site with non boscomve down escorts. They are looking at sticking it on rafac learn , but meantime it is only available during working day, no appointment needed. Not ideal but the volunteer/full time cross over is endemic to alot of things in rafac, not just acessing Boscombe Down

Those who know Boscombe will know it is civillian managed and all arrangements agreed with MOD so out of hands of station commander(there isn’t one) or VoP, there is an idea of sticking video on learn so to access it in own time.

However, if their unreasonable policies (access prevented in that CFAVs cannot attend security briefings at sensible times), then it needs to be taken higher.

Any e-learning will probably take ages to agree / sort out / confirm proof of completion, etc.

It has been taken directly to the MOD by both parties and the owner MOD agree with current process, for clarity access to AEF is not affected it is only access to the RAC and WHQ that needs the brief. It is the same on other MOD units. Unreasonable is subjective, my staff have had to take a day off to get safety briefs at an RAF amd RN unit the past and to be absolutely clear no one from RAFAC have been refuse entry to RAFAC facilities on proviso that they have at lest 1 escort with SC and a H&S video brief. Work is in progress to get the video onto learn the site operators are empathetic but will not be jeopardising their contratual obligations.

Security Brief to access WHQ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Item 1: Don’t ask about time scales for anything or the WExO might explode.
Item 2: Don’t ask about medals, or again, the WExO might explode.


Only because WHQ is located within another organisations eatablishment :grinning:

Anyhow to keep thread back on topic Acess to AEF not affected and tutor flying resumming so not all bad stuff