Tutors grounded?

You say this, but it fundamentally is being effected if this is true:

@Torphoon you may have staff that can take time off to go do this brief and then act as an escort, but if a squadron doesn’t have that, then access to AEF is effected.

Or are you saying @Phantom and @Tornado are wrong, and you can go to the AEF without doing this brief?

Arguably it’s not effecting anything, as the planes are on the ground, ergo, no one is flying anyway!

You do not need the brief to go to the AEF as there are staff there who are full time pass holders. So it is not affected.

All other access IS currently affected and whilst empathetic to availablity of staff during day, for discussion purpose why should the site open the teception out of hours as there will be a cost. The video on learn will fix the problem, meantime most users of the rafac facilities have made time, some even travelled from Cornwall for the day.

Ps planes now flying so as oer thread subject happier times ahead

I think @Phantom needs to have a word with someone then, as it sounds like they were being stopped from escorting cadets to AEF as they didn’t have this brief.

Because they have a user base who use the site almost exclusively at weekends? Even if that userbase is a minority, you need to account for them! Plus it doesn’t need to be the site that delivers it, if it’s a video, a WSO could have done it, without getting Learn involved! Learn is obviously the better long term solution. But why not just get it on sharepoint for now, for example?

Just because some volunteers have the time and resources to do various things, doesn’t mean others do. Most staff wouldn’t be willing to drive multiple hours during a work day to go and see a H&S brief.


Yes agree, should pursue via whq

That was suggested, i even offered to do it myself but was rejected as has to be deliveredbby Reception No they dont have to be available out if hours MOD contract agrees

Agree but if you want to get in then thats what has to be done not saying you have to like it but some think that everything revolves around the rafac volunteer and in the perfect would be right, meantime backbon planet reality sometimes volunteering means giving up a day of which VA should be redeemable. We guve up days to collect kit. Hopefully this discussion will.be a.mute point when h&s video becomes open all hours.

I’ve had to take 2 days off this month to babysit RFCA visits.

While this is true . . . I think the AEF hope for sqns to be able to supply their own escorting staff so as to not remove AEF staff from delivering flying to instead go down to main gate and escort.

Not needed for AEF, as the AEF will provide an escort.

It is needed if you plan to use the RAC.

I have to admit this is me jumping the gun. The moment I saw ‘escort cadets at Boscombe’ the only conceivable reason I could think of to be there is for AEF. Haven’t seen the inside of the RAC in the last 13 years

Looks like 7AEF are flying cadets; according to their FB page :man_shrugging:t2:

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7AEF are go.

Our wing has allocated spaces. And spaces with 5AEF too for flying over the coming weeks.

Confirmed in this week’s weekly update; AEF is back!

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Not everywhere… some a little slower for various reasons related to pilot availability and training. But yes.